
1.6 KiB

BIJ1 Afdelingen

Data and maps on BIJ1's local branches in the Netherlands, and their various areas.


  • Formalize data on BIJ1 branches and their areas:
    • municipality
    • BIJ1 branch
  • incorporate Caribbean municipalities
  • incorporate branches in founding
  • add branch status (in founding, official, inactive)
  • Figure out the above given a member's address
  • Make SVGs of the above areas, with tooltips:
    • branch areas
    • ondersteuningsverklaringen
  • Facilitate automatically updating the above, including when source data changes.


  • Our best data mapping addresses to municipality is based on a 2020 dataset consisting of postal code (in pc6 format, e.g. 1234AB) plus number (huisnummer). Such a mapping is not fully deterministic however, as this would require also the extensions (e.g. 1A), data on which seems nonexistant.
  • Having used that 2020 dataset, we had to guess a present municipality for the former municipality of Haaren, which in 2021 was split into Boxtel / Oisterwijk / Vught / Tilburg.



make run_all

branch area maps

branch areas