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DigitalOcean: digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool


Provides a DigitalOcean Kubernetes node pool resource. While the default node pool must be defined in the digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster resource, this resource can be used to add additional ones to a cluster.

Example Usage

Basic Example

resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster" "foo" {
  name    = "foo"
  region  = "nyc1"
  version = "1.15.5-do.1"

  node_pool {
    name       = "front-end-pool"
    size       = "s-2vcpu-2gb"
    node_count = 3

resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool" "bar" {
  cluster_id = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.foo.id

  name       = "backend-pool"
  size       = "c-2"
  node_count = 2
  tags       = ["backend"]

  labels = {
    service  = "backend"
    priority = "high"

Autoscaling Example

Node pools may also be configured to autoscale. For example:

resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool" "autoscale-pool-01" {
  cluster_id = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.foo.id
  name       = "autoscale-pool-01"
  size       = "s-1vcpu-2gb"
  auto_scale = true
  min_nodes  = 0
  max_nodes  = 5

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_id - (Required) The ID of the Kubernetes cluster to which the node pool is associated.
  • name - (Required) A name for the node pool.
  • size - (Required) The slug identifier for the type of Droplet to be used as workers in the node pool.
  • node_count - (Optional) The number of Droplet instances in the node pool. If auto-scaling is enabled, this should only be set if the desired result is to explicitly reset the number of nodes to this value. If auto-scaling is enabled, and the node count is outside of the given min/max range, it will use the min nodes value.
  • auto_scale - (Optional) Enable auto-scaling of the number of nodes in the node pool within the given min/max range.
  • min_nodes - (Optional) If auto-scaling is enabled, this represents the minimum number of nodes that the node pool can be scaled down to.
  • max_nodes - (Optional) If auto-scaling is enabled, this represents the maximum number of nodes that the node pool can be scaled up to.
  • tags - (Optional) A list of tag names to be applied to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • labels - (Optional) A map of key/value pairs to apply to nodes in the pool. The labels are exposed in the Kubernetes API as labels in the metadata of the corresponding Node resources.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following additional attributes are exported:

  • id - A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference the node pool.
  • actual_node_count - A computed field representing the actual number of nodes in the node pool, which is especially useful when auto-scaling is enabled.
  • nodes - A list of nodes in the pool. Each node exports the following attributes:
    • id - A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference the node.
    • name - The auto-generated name for the node.
    • status - A string indicating the current status of the individual node.
    • droplet_id - The id of the node's droplet
    • created_at - The date and time when the node was created.
    • updated_at - The date and time when the node was last updated.


If you are importing an existing Kubernetes cluster, just import the cluster. Importing a cluster also imports all of its associated node pools.

If you still need to import a single node pool, then import it by using its id, e.g.

terraform import digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool.mynodepool 9d76f410-9284-4436-9633-4066852442c8

Note: If the node pool has the terraform:default-node-pool tag, then it is a default node pool for an existing cluster. The provider will refuse to import the node pool in that case because the node pool is managed by the digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster resource and not by this digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool resource.