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DigitalOcean: digitalocean_app


Provides a DigitalOcean App resource.

Example Usage

To create an app, provide a DigitalOcean app spec specifying the app's components.

Basic Example

resource "digitalocean_app" "golang-sample" {
  spec {
    name   = "golang-sample"
    region = "ams"

    service {
      name               = "go-service"
      environment_slug   = "go"
      instance_count     = 1
      instance_size_slug = "professional-xs"

      git {
        repo_clone_url = "https://github.com/digitalocean/sample-golang.git"
        branch         = "main"

Static Site Example

resource "digitalocean_app" "static-ste-example" {
  spec {
    name   = "static-ste-example"
    region = "ams"

    static_site {
      name          = "sample-jekyll"
      build_command = "bundle exec jekyll build -d ./public"
      output_dir    = "/public"

      git {
        repo_clone_url = "https://github.com/digitalocean/sample-jekyll.git"
        branch         = "main"

Multiple Components Example

resource "digitalocean_app" "mono-repo-example" {
  spec {
    name    = "mono-repo-example"
    region  = "ams"
    domains = ["foo.example.com"]

    # Build a Go project in the api/ directory that listens on port 3000
    # and serves it at https://foo.example.com/api
    service {
      name               = "api"
      environment_slug   = "go"
      instance_count     = 2
      instance_size_slug = "professional-xs"

      github {
        branch         = "main"
        deploy_on_push = true
        repo           = "username/repo"

      source_dir = "api/"
      http_port  = 3000

      routes {
        path = "/api"

      run_command = "bin/api"

    # Builds a static site in the project's root directory
    # and serves it at https://foo.example.com/
    static_site {
      name          = "web"
      build_command = "npm run build"

      github {
        branch         = "main"
        deploy_on_push = true
        repo           = "username/repo"

      routes {
        path = "/"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • spec - (Required) A DigitalOcean App spec describing the app.
  • name - (Required) The name of the app. Must be unique across all apps in the same account.
  • region - The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app.
  • domains - A list of hostnames where the application will be available.

A spec can contain multiple components.

A service can contain:

  • name - The name of the component
  • build_command - An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
  • dockerfile_path - The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
  • source_dir - An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
  • run_command - An optional run command to override the component's default.
  • environment_slug - An environment slug describing the type of this app.
  • instance_size_slug - The instance size to use for this component.
  • instance_count - The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
  • http_port - The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
  • git - A Git repo to use as component's source. Only one of git and github may be set.
    • repo_clone_url - The clone URL of the repo.
    • branch - The name of the branch to use.
  • github - A GitHub repo to use as component's source. Only one of git and github may be set.
    • repo - The name of the repo in the format owner/repo.
    • branch - The name of the branch to use.
    • deploy_on_push - Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
  • env - Describes an environment variable made available to an app competent.
    • key - The name of the environment variable.
    • value - The value of the environment variable.
    • scope - The visibility scope of the environment variable. One of RUN_TIME, BUILD_TIME, or RUN_AND_BUILD_TIME (default).
    • type - The type of the environment variable, GENERAL or SECRET.
  • route - An HTTP paths that should be routed to this component.
    • path - Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
  • health_check - A health check to determine the availability of this component.
    • http_path - The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
    • initial_delay_seconds - The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
    • period_seconds - The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
    • timeout_seconds - The number of seconds after which the check times out.
    • success_threshold - The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
    • failure_threshold - The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.

A worker can contain:

  • name - The name of the component
  • build_command - An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
  • dockerfile_path - The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
  • source_dir - An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
  • run_command - An optional run command to override the component's default.
  • environment_slug - An environment slug describing the type of this app.
  • instance_size_slug - The instance size to use for this component.
  • instance_count - The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
  • git - A Git repo to use as component's source. Only one of git and github may be set.
    • repo_clone_url - The clone URL of the repo.
    • branch - The name of the branch to use.
  • github - A GitHub repo to use as component's source. Only one of git and github may be set.
    • repo - The name of the repo in the format owner/repo.
    • branch - The name of the branch to use.
    • deploy_on_push - Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
  • env - Describes an environment variable made available to an app competent.
    • key - The name of the environment variable.
    • value - The value of the environment variable.
    • scope - The visibility scope of the environment variable. One of RUN_TIME, BUILD_TIME, or RUN_AND_BUILD_TIME (default).
    • type - The type of the environment variable, GENERAL or SECRET.

A static_site can contain:

  • name - The name of the component
  • build_command - An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
  • dockerfile_path - The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
  • source_dir - An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
  • environment_slug - An environment slug describing the type of this app.
  • output_dir - An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: _static, dist, public.
  • index_document - The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
  • error_document - The name of the error document to use when serving this static site*
  • git - A Git repo to use as component's source. Only one of git and github may be set.
    • repo_clone_url - The clone URL of the repo.
    • branch - The name of the branch to use.
  • github - A GitHub repo to use as component's source. Only one of git and github may be set.
    • repo - The name of the repo in the format owner/repo.
    • branch - The name of the branch to use.
    • deploy_on_push - Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
  • env - Describes an environment variable made available to an app competent.
    • key - The name of the environment variable.
    • value - The value of the environment variable.
    • scope - The visibility scope of the environment variable. One of RUN_TIME, BUILD_TIME, or RUN_AND_BUILD_TIME (default).
    • type - The type of the environment variable, GENERAL or SECRET.
  • route - An HTTP paths that should be routed to this component.
    • path - Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the above attributes, the following are exported:

  • default_ingress - The default URL to access the app.
  • live_url - The live URL of the app.
  • active_deployment_id - The ID the app's currently active deployment.
  • updated_at - The date and time of when the app was last updated.
  • created_at - The date and time of when the app was created.


An app can be imported using its id, e.g.

terraform import digitalocean_app.myapp fb06ad00-351f-45c8-b5eb-13523c438661