
17 KiB

1.9.2 (Unreleased)

1.9.1 (October 09, 2019)


  • resource/digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster: Ensure raw_config is a valid kubeconfig file (#315).

1.9.0 (October 08, 2019)


  • resource/digitalocean_database_cluster: Expose private connection details (#299). Thanks to @clickyotomy!
  • resource/digitalocean_database_cluster: Mark uri, private_uri, password as sensitive (#298). Thanks to @clickyotomy!
  • resource/digitalocean_database_replica: Expose private connection details (#302).
  • resource/digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster: Expose new token attribute for use in Kubernetes authentication (#309). Thanks to @snormore!
  • resource/digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster: Only fetch new Kubernetes credentials when expired (#311). Thanks to @snormore!

1.8.0 (September 30, 2019)


  • New Data Source: digitalocean_database_replica (#224) Thanks to @Zyqsempai!
  • resource/digitalocean_database_cluster: Add support for tags (#253). Thanks to @Zyqsempai!
  • resource/digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster: Mark the kube_config field as sensitive (#289). Thanks to @RoboticCheese!
  • provider: Remove usage of github.com/hashicorp/terraform/config package (#291). Thanks to @appilon!
  • datasource/digitalocean_droplet: Allow lookup by tag (#290). Thanks to @danramteke!
  • provider: Remove usage of deprecated terraform.VersionString() (#295).

1.7.0 (August 27, 2019)


  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Expose created_at attribute (#277). Thanks to @petems!
  • datasource/digitalocean_droplet: Expose created_at attribute (#277). Thanks to @petems!


  • resource/digitalocean_database_cluster: version should not be required (#288).
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Verify Droplet is destroyed before removing from state (#283).

1.6.0 (August 05, 2019)


  • provider: Add the ability to set DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN (#260). Thanks to @stack72!
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Support enabling and disabling backups on Droplets (#266).
  • resource/digitalocean_database_cluster: Allow Databases to have URNs for use with Projects (#270). Thanks to @stack72!


  • Consistently protect against nil response in error handling (#272).

1.5.0 (July 03, 2019)


  • New Data Source: digitalocean_database_cluster (#251). Thanks to @stack72!


  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: DigitalOcean doesn't support IPv6 private networking. Mark the ipv6_address_private attribute in the schema as removed (#181). Thanks to @stack72!
  • resource/digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster: Do not filter out node pool tags also applied to the cluster (#184).

1.4.0 (May 29, 2019)


  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Make importing more robust and test error case when importing non-existent resource (#231).
  • resource/digitalocean_spaces_bucket: Simplify importing and test error case when importing non-existent resource (#231).
  • resource/digitalocean_volume: Remove need for custom import function (#231).


  • resource/digitalocean_record: Simplify importing and provide better error messaging when attempting to import non-existent resource (#232).
  • resource/digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster: Fix access to kube_config attributes under Terraform 0.12 by using TypeList rather than TypeSet in the schema (#239).

1.3.0 (May 09, 2019)


  • Terraform SDK upgrade with compatibility for Terraform v0.12.

1.2.0 (April 23, 2019)


  • New Resource: digitalocean_spaces_bucket (#42). Thanks to @slapula!
  • New Resource: digitalocean_database_cluster (#198) Thanks to @slapula!
  • New Resource: digitalocean_cdn (#204)
  • New Resource: digitalocean_project (#207)


  • provider: The DigitalOcean API URL can now be overridden using api_endpoint attribute (#84). Thanks to @protochron!
  • provider: Refactor logic for logging API requests/responses (#190). Thanks to @radeksimko!
  • resource/digitalocean_loadbalancer: Add support for enabling PROXY Protocol (#199).
  • docs/digitalocean_firewall: Update syntax to be compatible with Terraform 0.12-beta (#201).
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Expose uniform resource name (URN) attribute for use with Projects resource (#215).
  • resource/digitalocean_loadbalancer: Expose uniform resource name (URN) attribute for use with Projects resource (#214).
  • resource/digitalocean_domain: Expose uniform resource name (URN) attribute for use with Projects resource (#213).
  • resource/digitalocean_volume: Expose uniform resource name (URN) attribute for use with Projects resource (#212).
  • resource/digitalocean_floating_ip: Expose uniform resource name (URN) attribute for use with Projects resource (#211).
  • resource/digitalocean_spaces_bucket: Expose uniform resource name (URN) attribute for use with Projects resource (#210).


  • resource/digitalocean_certificate: Fix issue when using computed values for custom certificates (#163).
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Prevent unexpected rebuilds for Droplets created using image slugs when the backing image is updated (#152).


  • This provider is now built and tested using Go 1.11.x (#178).
  • Dependencies for this provider are now managed using Go Modules (#187).

1.1.0 (December 12, 2018)


  • New Data Source: digitalocean_droplet_snapshot (#161). Thanks to @thefossedog!
  • New Data Source: digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster (#169) Thanks to @nicholasjackson!
  • New Resource digitalocean_droplet_snapshot (#161). Thanks to @thefossedog!
  • New Resource: digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster (#169) Thanks to @nicholasjackson!
  • New Resource: digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool (#169) Thanks to @nicholasjackson!

1.0.2 (October 05, 2018)


  • resource/digitalocean_certificate: Suppress diff for DNS names on custom certificate resources (#146).
  • resource/digitalocean_floating_ip_assignment: Ensure resource works with the create_before_destroy lifecycle rule (#147).

1.0.1 (October 02, 2018)


  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Ensure the image ID is set to state when importing a Droplet (#144)

1.0.0 (September 27, 2018)


  • New Resource digitalocean_floating_ip_assignment (#115) Thanks to @justinbarrick!

  • New Resource digitalocean_volume_attachment (#130)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_domain (#63) Thanks to @slapula!

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_record (#64) Thanks to @slapula!

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_certificate (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_droplet (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_floating_ip (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_loadbalancer (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_ssh_key (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_tag (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_volume (#137)

  • New Datasource: digitalocean_volume_snapshot (#139)


  • resource/digitalocean_record: Manage CAA domain records (#48). Thanks to @jaymecd!
  • resource/digitalocean_certificate: Existing resources are now importable (#37). Thanks to @jonnydford!
  • resource/digitalocean_loadbalancer: Existing resources are now importable (#37). Thanks to @jonnydford!
  • resource/digitalocean_record: Existing resources are now importable (#71). Thanks to @slapula!
  • resource/digitalocean_tag: Validate tag name when creating (#80). Thanks to @inkel!
  • resource/digitalocean_volume: Add support for filesystem type for volume resources (#111). Thanks to @pgrzesik!
  • resource/digitalocean_certificate: Added support for LetsEncrypt issued certificates. (#129)
  • resource/digitalocean_volume: Added support for volume resizing. (#125)
  • resource/digitalocean_volume: Added support for creating a volume from a volume snapshot. (#139)
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Updated the state representation of the user_data property to a hashed one. (#128)


  • resource/digitalocean_floating_ip: Gracefully handle missing Floating IPs. (#55). Thanks to @aknuds1!
  • resource/digitalocean_floating_ip: Gracefully handle unassigning Floating IPs when the Droplet has already been destroyed. (#57). Thanks to @aknuds1!
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: When IPv6 and/or private networking are not enabled, default their addresses to "". (#97)
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Don't panic when enabling private_networking or ipv6 on an existing Droplet. (#94)
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Set resize_disk to the default value on import. (#95)
  • resource/digitalocean_record: Fixed the function for generating a records FQDN to match DO API behaviour. (#51)
  • resource/digitalocean_firewall: Refactored the firewall resource for better stability of diffs and updates. (#133)
  • resource/digitalocean_record_test: Enable setting a DNS' record weight to 0 (via updated godo SDK). (#132)

0.1.3 (December 18, 2017)


  • provider: Report Terraform version via User-Agent (#43)
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Add monitoring field (#38)


  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Avoid crash on conditional volumes (#40)
  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Make sure we've got a proper IP address from DO (#29)
  • resource/digitalocean_firewall: Correctly handle destination_tags (#36)
  • resource/digitalocean_firewall: Suppress diff for 'all' port range (#41)

0.1.2 (July 31, 2017)


  • resource/digitalocean_droplet: Detaching the disks before deleting a droplet (#22)

0.1.1 (June 21, 2017)


Bumping the provider version to get around provider caching issues - still same functionality

0.1.0 (June 19, 2017)


  • New Resource: digitalocean_firewall (#1)