
68 lines
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function gformInitDatepicker() {
jQuery('.datepicker').each(function () {
var $element = jQuery(this);
gformInitSingleDatepicker( $element) ;
function gformInitSingleDatepicker( $element ) {
var inputId = $element.attr( 'id' ) ? $element.attr( 'id' ) : '',
optionsObj = {
yearRange: '-100:+20',
showOn: 'focus',
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
suppressDatePicker: false,
onClose: function () {
var self = this;
this.suppressDatePicker = true;
setTimeout( function() {
self.suppressDatePicker = false;
}, 200 );
beforeShow: function( input, inst ) {
return ! this.suppressDatePicker;
if ($element.hasClass('dmy')) {
optionsObj.dateFormat = 'dd/mm/yy';
} else if ($element.hasClass('dmy_dash')) {
optionsObj.dateFormat = 'dd-mm-yy';
} else if ($element.hasClass('dmy_dot')) {
optionsObj.dateFormat = '';
} else if ($element.hasClass('ymd_slash')) {
optionsObj.dateFormat = 'yy/mm/dd';
} else if ($element.hasClass('ymd_dash')) {
optionsObj.dateFormat = 'yy-mm-dd';
} else if ($element.hasClass('ymd_dot')) {
optionsObj.dateFormat = '';
if ($element.hasClass('datepicker_with_icon')) {
optionsObj.showOn = 'both';
optionsObj.buttonImage = $element.parent().siblings("[id^='gforms_calendar_icon_input']").val();
optionsObj.buttonImageOnly = true;
optionsObj.buttonText = '';
inputId = inputId.split('_');
// allow the user to override the datepicker options object
optionsObj = gform.applyFilters('gform_datepicker_options_pre_init', optionsObj, inputId[1], inputId[2]);
// We give the input focus after selecting a date which differs from default Datepicker behavior; this prevents
// users from clicking on the input again to open the datepicker. Let's add a manual click event to handle this.
if( $ ':input' ) ) {
$ function() {
$element.datepicker( 'show' );
} );