
581 lines
18 KiB

var __gf_timeout_handle;
gform.addAction( 'gform_input_change', function( elem, formId, fieldId ) {
if( ! window.gf_form_conditional_logic ) {
var dependentFieldIds = rgars( gf_form_conditional_logic, [ formId, 'fields', gformExtractFieldId( fieldId ) ].join( '/' ) );
if( dependentFieldIds ) {
gf_apply_rules( formId, dependentFieldIds );
}, 10 );
function gf_apply_rules(formId, fields, isInit){
var rule_applied = 0;
jQuery(document).trigger( 'gform_pre_conditional_logic', [ formId, fields, isInit ] );
for(var i=0; i < fields.length; i++){
gf_apply_field_rule(formId, fields[i], isInit, function(){
if(rule_applied == fields.length){
jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_conditional_logic', [formId, fields, isInit]);
function gf_check_field_rule(formId, fieldId, isInit, callback){
//if conditional logic is not specified for that field, it is supposed to be displayed
var conditionalLogic = gf_get_field_logic( formId, fieldId );
if ( ! conditionalLogic ) {
return 'show';
var action = gf_get_field_action(formId, conditionalLogic["section"]);
//If section is hidden, always hide field. If section is displayed, see if field is supposed to be displayed or hidden
if(action != "hide")
action = gf_get_field_action(formId, conditionalLogic["field"]);
return action;
* Retrieves the conditional logic properties for the specified field.
* @since 2.4.16
* @param {(string|number)} formId The ID of the current form.
* @param {(string|number)} fieldId The ID of the current field.
* @return {(boolean|object)} False or the field conditional logic properties.
function gf_get_field_logic(formId, fieldId) {
var formConditionalLogic = rgars( window, 'gf_form_conditional_logic/' + formId );
if ( ! formConditionalLogic ) {
return false;
var conditionalLogic = rgars( formConditionalLogic, 'logic/' + fieldId );
if ( conditionalLogic ) {
return conditionalLogic;
var dependents = rgar( formConditionalLogic, 'dependents' );
if ( ! dependents ) {
return false;
// Attempting to get section field conditional logic instead.
for ( var key in dependents ) {
if ( dependents[key].indexOf( fieldId ) !== -1 ) {
return rgars( formConditionalLogic, 'logic/' + key );
return false;
function gf_apply_field_rule(formId, fieldId, isInit, callback){
var action = gf_check_field_rule(formId, fieldId, isInit, callback);
gf_do_field_action(formId, action, fieldId, isInit, callback);
var conditionalLogic = window["gf_form_conditional_logic"][formId]["logic"][fieldId];
//perform conditional logic for the next button
action = gf_get_field_action(formId, conditionalLogic["nextButton"]);
gf_do_next_button_action(formId, action, fieldId, isInit);
function gf_get_field_action(formId, conditionalLogic){
return "show";
var matches = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < conditionalLogic["rules"].length; i++){
* Filter the conditional logic rule before it is evaluated on the frontend.
* @param {object} rule The conditional logic rule about to be evaluated.
* @param {(string|number)} formId The current form ID.
* @param {object} conditionalLogic All details required to evaluate an objects conditional logic.
* @since 2.4.22
var rule = gform.applyFilters( 'gform_rule_pre_evaluation', jQuery.extend( {}, conditionalLogic["rules"][i] ), formId, conditionalLogic );
if(gf_is_match(formId, rule))
var action;
if( (conditionalLogic["logicType"] == "all" && matches == conditionalLogic["rules"].length) || (conditionalLogic["logicType"] == "any" && matches > 0) )
action = conditionalLogic["actionType"];
action = conditionalLogic["actionType"] == "show" ? "hide" : "show";
return action;
function gf_is_match( formId, rule ) {
var $ = jQuery,
inputId = rule['fieldId'],
fieldId = gformExtractFieldId( inputId ),
inputIndex = gformExtractInputIndex( inputId ),
isInputSpecific = inputIndex !== false,
if( isInputSpecific ) {
$inputs = $( '#input_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format( formId, fieldId, inputIndex ) );
} else {
$inputs = $( 'input[id="input_{0}_{1}"], input[id^="input_{0}_{1}_"], input[id^="choice_{0}_{1}_"], select#input_{0}_{1}, textarea#input_{0}_{1}'.format( formId, fieldId ) );
var isCheckable = $.inArray( $inputs.attr( 'type' ), [ 'checkbox', 'radio' ] ) !== -1,
isMatch = isCheckable ? gf_is_match_checkable( $inputs, rule, formId, fieldId ) : gf_is_match_default( $inputs.eq( 0 ), rule, formId, fieldId );
return gform.applyFilters( 'gform_is_value_match', isMatch, formId, rule );
function gf_is_match_checkable( $inputs, rule, formId, fieldId ) {
var isMatch = false;
$inputs.each( function() {
var $input = jQuery( this ),
fieldValue = gf_get_value( $input.val() ),
isRangeOperator = jQuery.inArray( rule.operator, [ '<', '>' ] ) !== -1,
isStringOperator = jQuery.inArray( rule.operator, [ 'contains', 'starts_with', 'ends_with' ] ) !== -1;
// if we are looking for a specific value and this is not it, skip
if( fieldValue != rule.value && ! isRangeOperator && ! isStringOperator ) {
return; // continue
// force an empty value for unchecked items
if( ! $ ':checked' ) ) {
fieldValue = '';
// if the 'other' choice is selected, get the value from the 'other' text input
else if ( fieldValue == 'gf_other_choice' ) {
fieldValue = jQuery( '#input_{0}_{1}_other'.format( formId, fieldId ) ).val();
if( gf_matches_operation( fieldValue, rule.value, rule.operator ) ) {
isMatch = true;
return false; // break
} );
return isMatch;
function gf_is_match_default( $input, rule, formId, fieldId ) {
var val = $input.val(),
values = ( val instanceof Array ) ? val : [ val ], // transform regular value into array to support multi-select (which returns an array of selected items)
matchCount = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
// fields with pipes in the value will use the label for conditional logic comparison
var hasLabel = values[i] ? values[i].indexOf( '|' ) >= 0 : true,
fieldValue = gf_get_value( values[i] );
var fieldNumberFormat = gf_get_field_number_format( rule.fieldId, formId, 'value' );
if( fieldNumberFormat && ! hasLabel ) {
fieldValue = gf_format_number( fieldValue, fieldNumberFormat );
var ruleValue = rule.value;
//if ( fieldNumberFormat ) {
// ruleValue = gf_format_number( ruleValue, fieldNumberFormat );
if( gf_matches_operation( fieldValue, ruleValue, rule.operator ) ) {
// if operator is 'isnot', none of the values can match
var isMatch = rule.operator == 'isnot' ? matchCount == values.length : matchCount > 0;
return isMatch;
function gf_format_number( value, fieldNumberFormat ) {
decimalSeparator = '.';
if( fieldNumberFormat == 'currency' ) {
decimalSeparator = gformGetDecimalSeparator( 'currency' );
} else if( fieldNumberFormat == 'decimal_comma' ) {
decimalSeparator = ',';
} else if( fieldNumberFormat == 'decimal_dot' ) {
decimalSeparator = '.';
// transform to a decimal dot number
value = gformCleanNumber( value, '', '', decimalSeparator );
* Looking at format specified by wp locale creates issues. When performing conditional logic, all numbers will be formatted to decimal dot and then compared that way. AC
// now transform to number specified by locale
// if( window['gf_number_format'] && window['gf_number_format'] == 'decimal_comma' ) {
// value = gformFormatNumber( value, -1, ',', '.' );
// }
if( ! value ) {
value = 0;
number = value.toString();
return number;
function gf_try_convert_float(text){
* The only format that should matter is the field format. Attempting to do this by WP locale creates a lot of issues with consistency.
* var format = window["gf_number_format"] == "decimal_comma" ? "decimal_comma" : "decimal_dot";
var format = 'decimal_dot';
if( gformIsNumeric( text, format ) ) {
var decimal_separator = format == "decimal_comma" ? "," : ".";
return gformCleanNumber( text, "", "", decimal_separator );
return text;
function gf_matches_operation(val1, val2, operation){
val1 = val1 ? val1.toLowerCase() : "";
val2 = val2 ? val2.toLowerCase() : "";
case "is" :
return val1 == val2;
case "isnot" :
return val1 != val2;
case ">" :
val1 = gf_try_convert_float(val1);
val2 = gf_try_convert_float(val2);
return gformIsNumber(val1) && gformIsNumber(val2) ? val1 > val2 : false;
case "<" :
val1 = gf_try_convert_float(val1);
val2 = gf_try_convert_float(val2);
return gformIsNumber(val1) && gformIsNumber(val2) ? val1 < val2 : false;
case "contains" :
return val1.indexOf(val2) >=0;
case "starts_with" :
return val1.indexOf(val2) ==0;
case "ends_with" :
var start = val1.length - val2.length;
if(start < 0)
return false;
var tail = val1.substring(start);
return val2 == tail;
return false;
function gf_get_value(val){
return "";
val = val.split("|");
return val[0];
function gf_do_field_action(formId, action, fieldId, isInit, callback){
var conditional_logic = window["gf_form_conditional_logic"][formId];
var dependent_fields = conditional_logic["dependents"][fieldId];
for(var i=0; i < dependent_fields.length; i++){
var targetId = fieldId == 0 ? "#gform_submit_button_" + formId : "#field_" + formId + "_" + dependent_fields[i];
var defaultValues = conditional_logic["defaults"][dependent_fields[i]];
//calling callback function on the last dependent field, to make sure it is only called once
do_callback = (i+1) == dependent_fields.length ? callback : null;
gf_do_action(action, targetId, conditional_logic["animation"], defaultValues, isInit, do_callback, formId);
gform.doAction('gform_post_conditional_logic_field_action', formId, action, targetId, defaultValues, isInit);
function gf_do_next_button_action(formId, action, fieldId, isInit){
var conditional_logic = window["gf_form_conditional_logic"][formId];
var targetId = "#gform_next_button_" + formId + "_" + fieldId;
gf_do_action(action, targetId, conditional_logic["animation"], null, isInit, null, formId);
function gf_do_action(action, targetId, useAnimation, defaultValues, isInit, callback, formId){
var $target = jQuery( targetId );
* Do not re-enable inputs that are disabled by default. Check if field's inputs have been assessed. If not, add
* designator class so these inputs are exempted below.
if( ! $ 'gf-disabled-assessed' ) ) {
$target.find( ':input:disabled' ).addClass( 'gf-default-disabled' );
$ 'gf-disabled-assessed', true );
if(action == "show"){
// reset tabindex for selects
$target.find( 'select' ).each( function() {
var $select = jQuery( this );
$select.attr( 'tabindex', $ 'tabindex' ) );
} );
if(useAnimation && !isInit){
if($target.length > 0){
$target.find(':input:hidden:not(.gf-default-disabled)').prop( 'disabled', false );
} else if(callback){
var display = $'gf_display');
//defaults to list-item if previous (saved) display isn't set for any reason
if ( display == '' || display == 'none' ){
display = 'list-item';
$target.find(':input:hidden:not(.gf-default-disabled)').prop( 'disabled', false );
$target.css('display', display);
//if field is not already hidden, reset its values to the default
var child = $target.children().first();
if (child.length > 0){
var reset = gform.applyFilters('gform_reset_pre_conditional_logic_field_action', true, formId, targetId, defaultValues, isInit);
if(reset && !gformIsHidden(child)){
gf_reset_to_default(targetId, defaultValues);
// remove tabindex and stash as a data attr for selects
$target.find( 'select' ).each( function() {
var $select = jQuery( this );
$ 'tabindex', $select.attr( 'tabindex' ) ).removeAttr( 'tabindex' );
} );
//Saving existing display so that it can be reset when showing the field
if( ! $'gf_display') ){
$'gf_display', $target.css('display'));
if(useAnimation && !isInit){
if($target.length > 0 && $":visible")) {
} else if(callback) {
} else{
$target.find(':input:hidden:not(.gf-default-disabled)').prop( 'disabled', true );
function gf_reset_to_default(targetId, defaultValue){
var dateFields = jQuery( targetId ).find( '.gfield_date_month input, .gfield_date_day input, .gfield_date_year input, .gfield_date_dropdown_month select, .gfield_date_dropdown_day select, .gfield_date_dropdown_year select' );
if( dateFields.length > 0 ) {
dateFields.each( function(){
var element = jQuery( this );
// defaultValue is associative array (i.e. [ m: 1, d: 13, y: 1987 ] )
if( defaultValue ) {
var key = 'd';
if (element.parents().hasClass('gfield_date_month') || element.parents().hasClass('gfield_date_dropdown_month') ){
key = 'm';
else if(element.parents().hasClass('gfield_date_year') || element.parents().hasClass('gfield_date_dropdown_year') ){
key = 'y';
val = defaultValue[ key ];
val = "";
if(element.prop("tagName") == "SELECT" && val != '' )
val = parseInt(val, 10);
if(element.val() != val)
//cascading down conditional logic to children to support nested conditions
//text fields and drop downs, filter out list field text fields name with "_shim"
var target = jQuery(targetId).find( 'select, input[type="text"]:not([id*="_shim"]), input[type="number"], input[type="hidden"], input[type="email"], input[type="tel"], input[type="url"], textarea' );
var target_index = 0;
// When a List field is hidden via conditional logic during a page submission, the markup will be reduced to a
// single row. Add enough rows/inputs to satisfy the default value.
if( defaultValue && target.parents( '.ginput_list' ).length > 0 && target.length < defaultValue.length ) {
while( target.length < defaultValue.length ) {
gformAddListItem( target.eq( 0 ), 0 );
target = jQuery(targetId).find( 'select, input[type="text"]:not([id*="_shim"]), input[type="number"], textarea' );
var val = "";
var element = jQuery(this);
// Only reset Single Product and Shipping hidden inputs.
if( '[type="hidden"]' ) && ! gf_is_hidden_pricing_input( element ) ) {
//get name of previous input field to see if it is the radio button which goes with the "Other" text box
//otherwise field is populated with input field name
var radio_button_name = element.prev("input").attr("value");
if(radio_button_name == "gf_other_choice"){
val = element.attr("value");
else if( jQuery.isArray( defaultValue ) && ! 'select[multiple]' ) ) {
val = defaultValue[target_index];
else if(jQuery.isPlainObject(defaultValue)){
val = defaultValue[element.attr("name")];
if( ! val && element.attr( 'id' ) ) {
// 'input_123_3_1' => '3.1'
var inputId = element.attr( 'id' ).split( '_' ).slice( 2 ).join( '.' );
val = defaultValue[ inputId ];
if( ! val && element.attr( 'name' ) ) {
var inputId = element.attr( 'name' ).split( '_' )[1];
val = defaultValue[ inputId ];
else if(defaultValue){
val = defaultValue;
if('select:not([multiple])') && ! val ) {
val = element.find( 'option' ).not( ':disabled' ).eq(0).val();
if(element.val() != val) {
if ('select') &&'chosen-container')) {
// Check for Single Product & Shipping input and force visual price update.
if( gf_is_hidden_pricing_input( element ) ) {
var ids = gf_get_ids_by_html_id( element.parents( '.gfield' ).attr( 'id' ) );
jQuery( '#input_' + ids[0] + '_' + ids[1] ).text( gformFormatMoney( element.val() ) );
//checkboxes and radio buttons
var elements = jQuery(targetId).find('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]:not(".copy_values_activated")');
//is input currently checked?
var isChecked = jQuery(this).is(':checked') ? true : false;
//does input need to be marked as checked or unchecked?
var doCheck = defaultValue ? jQuery.inArray(jQuery(this).attr('id'), defaultValue) > -1 : false;
//if value changed, trigger click event
if(isChecked != doCheck){
//setting input as checked or unchecked appropriately
if(jQuery(this).attr("type") == "checkbox"){
jQuery(this).prop('checked', doCheck).change();
function gf_is_hidden_pricing_input( element ) {
if( element.attr( 'type' ) !== 'hidden' ) {
return false;
// Check for Single Product fields.
if( element.attr( 'id' ) && element.attr( 'id' ).indexOf( 'ginput_base_price' ) === 0 ) {
return true;
// Check for Shipping fields.
return element.parents( '.gfield_shipping' ).length;