
2003 lines
58 KiB

add_action( 'init', 'alm_core_update' ); // Core Update.
add_action( 'admin_init', 'alm_admin_hooks' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_save_repeater', 'alm_save_repeater' ); // Ajax Save Repeater.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_update_repeater', 'alm_update_repeater' ); // Ajax Update Repeater.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_get_tax_terms', 'alm_get_tax_terms' ); // Ajax Get Taxonomy Terms.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_delete_cache', 'alm_delete_cache' ); // Delete Cache.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_layouts_dismiss', 'alm_layouts_dismiss' ); // Dismiss Layouts CTA.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_license_activation', 'alm_license_activation' ); // Activate Add-on.
add_action( 'alm_get_layouts', 'alm_get_layouts' ); // Add layout selection.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_get_layout', 'alm_get_layout' ); // Get layout.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_dismiss_sharing', 'alm_dismiss_sharing' ); // Dismiss sharing.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_alm_set_transient', 'alm_set_transient' ); // Set transient.
add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', 'alm_filter_admin_footer_text' ); // Admin menu text.
add_action( 'after_plugin_row', 'alm_plugin_row' );
* Setup the admin hooks
* @return void
function alm_admin_hooks() {
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/class-nag.php' );
* Create custom update notifications.
* @since 5.2
function alm_plugin_update_messages(){
$addons = alm_get_addons();
foreach($addons as $addon){
$path = $addon['path'];
$hook = "in_plugin_update_message-{$path}/{$path}.php";
add_action( $hook, 'alm_prefix_plugin_update_message', 10, 2);
* alm_prefix_plugin_update_message
* Add extra message to plugin updater about expired/inactive licenses
* @since 5.2
function alm_prefix_plugin_update_message( $data, $response ) {
$addons = alm_get_addons();
$slug = $response->slug;
$version = $response->new_version;
foreach($addons as $key=>$addon){
if($addon['path'] === $slug){
$index = $key;
$style = 'display: block; padding: 10px 5px 2px;';
$addon = $addons[$index];
$name = '<strong>'. $addon['name'] .'</strong>';
$status = get_option($addon['status']);
// Expired
if($status === 'expired'){
printf('<span style="'. $style .'">%s %s</span>',
__( 'Looks like your subscription has expired.', 'ajax-load-more' ),
__( 'Please login to your <a href="" target="_blank">Account</a> to renew the license.', 'ajax-load-more' )
// Invalid/Inactive
if($status === 'invalid' || $status === 'disabled'){
printf('<span style="'. $style .'">%s %s</span>',
__( 'Looks like your license is inactive and/or invalid.', 'ajax-load-more' ),
__( 'Please activate the <a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more-licenses" target="_blank">license</a> or login to your <a href="" target="_blank">Account</a> to renew the license.', 'ajax-load-more' )
// Deactivated
if($status === 'deactivated'){
printf('<span style="'. $style .'">%s %s</span>',
__( 'Looks like your license has been deactivated.', 'ajax-load-more' ),
__( 'Please activate the <a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more-licenses" target="_blank">license</a> to update.', 'ajax-load-more' )
* alm_plugin_row
* Create a notification in the plugin row
* @since 5.2
function alm_plugin_row( $plugin_name ) {
$addons = alm_get_addons();
$pro_addons = alm_get_pro_addon();
$addons = array_merge(alm_get_addons(), alm_get_pro_addon());
foreach($addons as $addon){
if ( $plugin_name == $addon['path'].'/'.$addon['path'].'.php' ) {
$status = get_option($addon['status']);
$style = 'margin: 5px 20px 6px 40px;';
// !valid
if($status !== 'valid'){
$name = ($addon['name'] === 'Ajax Load More Pro') ? '<strong>'. $addon['name'] .'</strong>' : '<strong>'. 'Ajax Load More: '. $addon['name'] .'</strong>';
$row = '</tr><tr class="plugin-update-tr"><td colspan="3" class="plugin-update"><div class="update-message" style="'. $style .'">';
$row .= sprintf(__('%sRegister%s your copy of %s to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a license key? %sPurchase one now%s.'), '<a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more-licenses">', '</a>', $name, '<a href="'. $addon['url'] .'" target="blank">', '</a>');
$row .= '</div></td>';
echo $row;
* Render a notification in the dashboard.
* @since 4.0
function alm_render_transient_notification() {
if ( ! has_action( 'alm_pro_installed' ) ) {
$msg = '🔥 Introducing <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ajax Load More Pro</a></strong> - get instant access to all 13 add-ons in a single installation! &nbsp; <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="button button-primary">Upgrade Now</a></strong>';
alm_transient_notification( $msg, 'alm_pro_upgrade', 'YEAR_IN_SECONDS', true );
* Display a notification on pages with transient
* @since 4.0
function alm_transient_notification($message = '', $transient = '', $duration = 'YEAR_IN_SECONDS', $dismissible = true, $type = 'info'){
$transient_value = get_transient( $transient );
$dismissible = ($dismissible) ? ' is-dismissible' : '';
if(!isset($transient_value) || empty($transient_value) && !empty($message)){
<div class="alm-admin-notice notice-<?php echo $type; ?> notice<?php echo $dismissible; ?> alm-transient" data-transient="<?php echo $transient; ?>" data-duration="<?php echo $duration; ?>"><p><?php echo $message; ?></p></div>
* Set transient via Ajax.
* @since 4.0
function alm_set_transient(){
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) {
$nonce = $_POST["nonce"];
$transient = $_POST["transient_name"];
$duration = $_POST["duration"];
$duration = (!isset($duration)) ? 'YEAR_IN_SECONDS' : $duration;
// Check our nonce, if they don't match then bounce!
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' ))
die(__('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.', 'ajax-load-more'));
set_transient( $transient, 'true', constant($duration) );
echo __('Transient set successfully', 'ajax-load-more');
* alm_repeaters_export
* This function will export a repeater template and force download
* @since 3.6
function alm_repeaters_export(){
if( isset($_POST["alm_repeaters_export"]) && ( !wp_doing_ajax()) ) {
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )) { // Confirm credentials
$file = $_POST["alm_repeaters_export"];
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. basename($file) .'"');
readfile ($file);
add_action( 'admin_init', 'alm_repeaters_export');
* alm_license_activation
* Activate Add-on licenses
* @since 2.8.3
function alm_license_activation(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
$nonce = $_GET["nonce"];
$type = $_GET["type"]; // activate / deactivate
$item_id = $_GET["item"];
$license = $_GET["license"];
$url = $_GET["url"];
$upgrade = $_GET["upgrade"];
$option_status = $_GET["status"];
$option_key = $_GET["key"];
// Check our nonce, if they don't match then bounce!
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' )){
die('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.');
// API Action
if($type === 'activate' || $type === 'check'){
$action = 'activate_license';
$action = 'deactivate_license';
// Create the params for the request
$api_params = array(
'edd_action'=> $action,
'license' => $license,
'item_id' => $item_id, // the ID of our product in EDD
'url' => home_url()
// Call API
$response = wp_remote_post( ALM_STORE_URL, array( 'body' => $api_params, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false ) );
// make sure the response came back okay
if ( is_wp_error($response) ){
return false;
$license_data = $response['body'];
$license_data = json_decode($license_data); // decode the license data
$return["success"] = $license_data->success;
$msg = '';
if($type === 'activate'){
$return["license_limit"] = $license_data->license_limit;
$return["expires"] = $license_data->expires;
$return["site_count"] = $license_data->site_count;
$return["activations_left"] = $license_data->activations_left;
$return["item_name"] = $license_data->item_name;
if($license_data->activations_left === 0 && $license_data->success === false){
$msg = '<strong>You\'re out of available licenses <em>('. $license_data->license_limit .' / '. $license_data->site_count .')</em></strong>. Please visit the <a href="'.$upgrade.'" target="_blank">'.$license_data->item_name.'</a> website to add additional licenses.';
$return["msg"] = $msg;
// If error, make error the status of the license
$license_status = (isset($license_data->error)) ? $license_data->error : $license_data->license;
$return["license"] = $license_status;
// Update the options table
update_option( $option_status, $license_status);
update_option( $option_key, $license );
// Set transient value to store license status
set_transient( "alm_{$item_id}_{$license}", $license_status, 96 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); // 4 days
// Send the response
} else {
echo __('You don\'t belong here.', 'ajax-load-more');
* alm_admin_notice_errors
* Invalid license notifications
* @since 3.3.0
function alm_admin_notice_errors() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
$alm_is_admin_screen = alm_is_admin_screen();
// Exit if screen is not dashboard, plugins, settings or ALM admin.
if(!$alm_is_admin_screen && $screen->id !== 'dashboard' && $screen->id !== 'plugins' && $screen->id !== 'options-general' && $screen->id !== 'options'){
$class = 'notice error alm-err-notice';
$message = '';
$count = 0;
if(has_action('alm_pro_installed')){ // Pro
$addons = alm_get_pro_addon();
$message = __( 'You have an invalid or expired <a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more"><b>Ajax Load More Pro</b></a> license key - please visit the <a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more-licenses">License</a> section to input your key or <a href="" target="_blank">purchase</a> one now.', 'ajax-load-more' );
} else { // Other Addons
$addons = alm_get_addons();
$message = __( 'You have invalid or expired <a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more"><b>Ajax Load More</b></a> license keys - please visit the <a href="admin.php?page=ajax-load-more-licenses">Licenses</a> section and input your keys.', 'ajax-load-more' );
// Loop each addon
foreach($addons as $addon){
if (has_action($addon['action'])){
$key = $addon['key']; // Option key
$status = get_option($addon['status']); // license status
// Check license
$license_status = alm_license_check($addon['item_id'], get_option($key), $status);
if( !isset($status) || empty($status) || $license_status !== 'valid' ) {
// Print result
if( $count > 0 ) {
printf( '<div class="%1$s"><p>%2$s</p></div>', $class, $message );
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'alm_admin_notice_errors' );
* alm_license_check
* Check the status of a license
* @param {String} $item_id The ID of the product
* @param {String} $license The actual license key
* @param {String} $option_status The status of the license
* @updated 5.1.7
* @since 2.8.3
function alm_license_check($item_id = null, $license = null, $option_status = null){
if(!$item_id || !$license || !$option_status){
return false;
// Get plugin transient for license status
if(get_transient( "alm_{$item_id}_{$license}")){
// Transient exists
return get_transient( "alm_{$item_id}_{$license}");
} else {
$api_params = array(
'edd_action' => 'check_license',
'license' => $license,
'item_id' => $item_id,
'url' => home_url()
$response = wp_remote_post( ALM_STORE_URL, array( 'body' => $api_params, 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false ) );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return false;
// Get Data
$license_data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );
// Update the options table
update_option( $option_status, $license_data->license);
// Set transient value to store license status
set_transient( "alm_{$item_id}_{$license}", $license_data->license, 168 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); // 7 days
// Return the status
return $license_data->license;
* alm_get_layout
* Get layout and return value to repeater template
* @since 2.8.3
* @updated 2.14.0
function alm_get_layout(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
$nonce = sanitize_text_field($_GET["nonce"]);
$type = sanitize_text_field($_GET["type"]);
$custom = sanitize_text_field($_GET["custom"]);
// Check our nonce, if they don't match then bounce!
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' ))
die('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.');
if($type === 'default'){ // Default Layout
$content = file_get_contents(ALM_PATH.'admin/includes/layout/'.$type.'.php');
}else{ // Custom Layout
if($custom == 'true'){
$dir = 'alm_layouts';
$path = get_stylesheet_directory().'/'. $dir .'/' .$type;
// if child theme does not have the layout, check the parent theme
$path = get_template_directory().'/'. $dir .'/' .$type;
$path = get_template_directory().'/'. $dir .'/' .$type;
$content = file_get_contents($path);
// Layouts Add-on
else {
$content = file_get_contents(ALM_LAYOUTS_PATH.'layouts/'.$type.'.php');
$return["value"] = $content;
echo json_encode($return);
}else {
echo __('You don\'t belong here.', 'ajax-load-more');
* alm_get_layouts
* Get the list of layout templates
* @since 2.8.7
function alm_get_layouts(){ // do_action
include( ALM_PATH . 'admin/includes/components/layout-list.php');
* alm_admin_vars
* Create admin variables and ajax nonce
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_admin_vars() { ?>
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* <![CDATA[ */
var alm_admin_localize = <?php echo json_encode( array(
'ajax_admin_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
'restapi' => array(
'url' => function_exists('get_rest_url') ? get_rest_url() : '',
'namespace' => ALM_REST_NAMESPACE
'ajax_load_more' => __('Ajax Load More', 'ajax-load-more'),
'active' => __('Active', 'ajax-load-more'),
'inactive' => __('Inactive', 'ajax-load-more'),
'applying_layout' => __('Applying layout', 'ajax-load-more'),
'template_updated' => __('Template Updated', 'ajax-load-more'),
'alm_admin_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'alm_repeater_nonce' ),
'select_authors' => __('Select Author(s)', 'ajax-load-more'),
'select_cats' => __('Select Categories', 'ajax-load-more'),
'select_tags' => __('Select Tags', 'ajax-load-more'),
'select' => __('Select', 'ajax-load-more'),
'jump_to_option' => __('Jump to Option', 'ajax-load-more'),
'jump_to_template' => __('Jump to Template', 'ajax-load-more'),
'install_now' => __('Are you sure you want to install this Ajax Load More extension?', 'ajax-load-more'),
'install_btn' => __('Install Now', 'ajax-load-more'),
'activate_btn' => __('Activate', 'ajax-load-more'),
'settings_saving' => '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . __('Saving Settings', 'ajax-load-more'),
'settings_saved' => '<i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . __('Settings Saved Successfully', 'ajax-load-more'),
'settings_error' => '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . __('Error Saving Settings', 'ajax-load-more'),
'shortcode_max' => __('There is a maximum of 3 tax_query objects while using the shortcode builder', 'ajax-load-more'),
)); ?>
/* ]]> */
<?php }
* alm_set_admin_nonce
* Create admin nonce on ALM pages only
* @since 2.8.2
function alm_set_admin_nonce(){
add_action( 'admin_head', 'alm_admin_vars' ); // Localized Vars
* alm_core_update
* Update default repeater on plugin update.
* If plugin versions do not match or the plugin has been updated and we need to update our repeaters.
* @since 2.0.5
function alm_core_update() {
// Exit if Repeater Templates are disbaled
return false;
// Add 'alm_version' to WP options table if it does not exist
if(!get_option( 'alm_version')){
add_option( 'alm_version', ALM_VERSION );
$alm_installed_ver = get_option( "alm_version" ); // Get value from WP Option tbl
if ( $alm_installed_ver != ALM_VERSION ) {
delete_transient('alm_dismiss_sharing'); // Delete ALM transients
alm_run_update(); // Update repeaters
* alm_run_update
* Run the update on all 'blogs'
* @since 2.7.2
function alm_run_update(){
global $wpdb;
if ( is_multisite()) {
$blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs" );
// Loop all blogs and run update routine
foreach ( $blog_ids as $blog_id ) {
switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
} else {
update_option( "alm_version", ALM_VERSION ); // Update the WP Option tbl with the new version num
* alm_update_template_files
* Update routine for template files
* @since 2.7.2
function alm_update_template_files(){
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "alm";
// Get all rows where name is 'default'
$rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE name = 'default'");
foreach( $rows as $row ) { // Loop $rows
$data = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT repeaterDefault FROM $table_name WHERE name = 'default'");
// Create Base Repeater Dir (alm_templates)
$base_dir = AjaxLoadMore::alm_get_repeater_path();
$file = $base_dir .'/default.php';
// Wrap is file_exists to avoid updating without cause
if( !file_exists($file) ){
try {
$o = fopen($file, 'w+'); //Open file
if ( !$o ) {
throw new Exception(__('[Ajax Load More] Error opening default repeater template - Please check your file path and ensure your server is configured to allow Ajax Load More to read and write files within the /ajax-load-more/core/repeater directory', 'ajax-load-more'));
$w = fwrite($o, $data); //Save the file
if ( !$w ) {
throw new Exception(__('[Ajax Load More] Error updating default repeater template - Please check your file path and ensure your server is configured to allow Ajax Load More to read and write files within the /ajax-load-more/core/repeater directory.', 'ajax-load-more'));
fclose($o); // Close file
} catch ( Exception $e ) { // Display error message in console.
if(!isset($options['_alm_error_notices']) || $options['_alm_error_notices'] == '1'){
echo '<script>console.log("' .$e->getMessage(). '");</script>';
* alm_admin_menu
* Create Admin Menu
* @since 2.0.0
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'alm_admin_menu' );
function alm_admin_menu() {
$icon = 'dashicons-plus-alt';
$icon = ALM_ADMIN_URL . "/img/alm-logo-16x16.svg";
$alm_page = add_menu_page(
'Ajax Load More',
'Ajax Load More',
$alm_settings_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Settings', 'ajax-load-more'),
__('Settings', 'ajax-load-more'),
$alm_template_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Repeater Templates', 'ajax-load-more'),
__('Repeater Templates', 'ajax-load-more'),
$alm_shortcode_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Shortcode Builder', 'ajax-load-more'),
__('Shortcode Builder', 'ajax-load-more'),
if(!has_action('alm_pro_installed')){ // Not Pro
$alm_addons_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Add-ons', 'ajax-load-more'),
__('Add-ons', 'ajax-load-more'),
$alm_extensions_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Extensions', 'ajax-load-more'),
__('Extensions', 'ajax-load-more'),
$alm_help_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Help', 'ajax-load-more'),
__('Help', 'ajax-load-more'),
$license_title = (has_action('alm_pro_installed')) ? __('License', 'ajax-load-more') : __('Licenses', 'ajax-load-more');
$alm_licenses_page = add_submenu_page(
$before_link = '<span style="display:block; border-top: 1px solid #555; padding-top: 8px;">';
$after_link = '</span>';
$style_link_icon = 'style="opacity: 0.6; font-size: 18px; height: 18px; width: 18px; position: relative; left: -2px;"';
// Pro
$alm_pro_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Pro', 'ajax-load-more'),
$before_link . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-plus-alt" '.$style_link_icon.'></span> '. __('Pro', 'ajax-load-more') . $after_link,
} else {
$alm_go_pro_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Pro', 'ajax-load-more'),
$before_link . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-plus-alt" '.$style_link_icon.'></span> '. __('Go Pro', 'ajax-load-more') . $after_link,
// Cache
$alm_cache_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Cache', 'ajax-load-more'),
$before_link . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-generic" '.$style_link_icon.'></span> ' .__('Cache', 'ajax-load-more') . $after_link,
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_cache_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_cache_page, 'alm_load_cache_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_cache_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
// Filters
$before_link = '<span style="display:block;">';
$alm_filters_page = add_submenu_page(
__('Filters', 'ajax-load-more'),
$before_link . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-filter" '.$style_link_icon.'></span> '. __('Filters', 'ajax-load-more') . $after_link,
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_filters_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_filters_page, 'alm_load_filters_admin_scripts' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_filters_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
// WooCommerce
if(has_action('alm_woocommerce_installed') && in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins')))){
if(has_action('alm_cache_installed') || has_action('alm_filters_installed')){
$before_link = '<span style="display:block;">';
$wooIcon = '<style>.dashicons.alm-woo:before{font-family: WooCommerce!important; content: "\e03d"; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 2px;}</style>';
$alm_woocommerce_page = add_submenu_page(
__('WooCommerce', 'ajax-load-more'),
$before_link . $wooIcon . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-before dashicons-admin-generic alm-woo" '.$style_link_icon.'></span> '. __('WooCommerce', 'ajax-load-more') . $after_link,
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_woocommerce_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_woocommerce_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
//Add our admin scripts
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_settings_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_settings_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_template_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_template_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_shortcode_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_shortcode_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_help_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_help_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
// Pro
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_pro_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_pro_page, 'alm_load_pro_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_pro_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
} else {
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_addons_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_addons_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_go_pro_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_go_pro_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_extensions_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_extensions_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_licenses_page, 'alm_load_admin_js' );
add_action( 'load-' . $alm_licenses_page, 'alm_set_admin_nonce' );
* alm_settings_page
* Settings page
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_settings_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/settings.php');
* alm_repeater_page
* Custom Repeaters
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_repeater_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/repeater-templates.php');
* alm_shortcode_builder_page
* Shortcode Builder
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_shortcode_builder_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/shortcode-builder.php');
* alm_add_ons_page
* Ajax Load More Add-ons
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_add_ons_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/add-ons.php');
* alm_extensions_ons_page
* Ajax Load More Add-ons
* @since 3.0.0
function alm_extensions_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/extensions.php');
* alm_extensions_ons_page
* Ajax Load More Add-ons
* @since 4.0.0
function alm_go_pro_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/go-pro.php');
* alm_example_page
* Examples Page
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_examples_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/examples.php');
* alm_help_page
* Help Page (Implementation Inforgraphic)
* @since 2.8.7
function alm_help_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/help.php');
* alm_licenses_page
* Ajax Load More Licenses
* @since 2.7.0
function alm_licenses_page(){
include_once( ALM_PATH . 'admin/views/licenses.php');
* alm_cache_page
* Cache Add-on page
* @since 3.6.0
function alm_pro_page(){
include_once( ALM_PRO_ADMIN_PATH . 'admin/views/pro.php');
* alm_cache_page
* Cache Add-on page
* @since 2.6.0
function alm_cache_page(){
include_once( ALM_CACHE_ADMIN_PATH . 'admin/views/cache.php');
* alm_filters_page
* Filters Add-on page
* @since 3.4.0
function alm_filters_page(){
include_once( ALM_FILTERS_PATH . 'admin/functions.php');
include_once( ALM_FILTERS_PATH . 'admin/views/filters.php');
* alm_woocommerce_page
* WooCommerce Add-on page
* @since 5.3.0
function alm_woocommerce_page(){
include_once( ALM_WOO_PATH. 'admin/views/woocommerce.php');
* alm_load_admin_js
* Load Admin JS
* @since 2.0.15
function alm_load_admin_js(){
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'alm_enqueue_admin_scripts' );
// Pro Scripts
function alm_load_pro_admin_js(){
// Cache Scripts
function alm_load_cache_admin_js(){
// Filters Scripts
function alm_load_filters_admin_scripts(){
* alm_enqueue_admin_scripts
* Enqueue Admin JS
* @since 2.0.15
function alm_enqueue_admin_scripts(){
// Admin CSS
wp_enqueue_style( 'alm-admin', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'dist/css/admin.css', '', ALM_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_style( 'alm-core', ALM_URL. '/core/dist/css/ajax-load-more.css', '', ALM_VERSION);
// disable ACF select2 on ALM pages
wp_dequeue_style( 'acf-input' );
// CodeMirror Syntax Highlighting if on Repater Template page
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ( in_array( $screen->id, array( 'ajax-load-more_page_ajax-load-more-repeaters') ) ){
//CodeMirror CSS
wp_enqueue_style( 'alm-codemirror-css', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css' );
//CodeMirror JS
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.js');
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-matchbrackets', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-htmlmixed', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-xml', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/mode/xml/xml.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-javascript', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-mode-css', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/mode/css/css.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-clike', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/mode/clike/clike.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-codemirror-php', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'codemirror/mode/php/php.js' );
// Admin JS
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-form' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-admin', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'dist/js/admin.js', array( 'jquery' ), ALM_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script( 'alm-shortcode-builder', ALM_ADMIN_URL. 'shortcode-builder/js/shortcode-builder.js', array( 'jquery' ), ALM_VERSION);
* alm_save_repeater
* Repeater Save function
* @return response
* @since 2.0.0
* @updated 3.5
function alm_save_repeater(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "alm";
$blog_id = $wpdb->blogid;
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' ); //Get plugin options
$nonce = $_POST["nonce"];
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' )){ // Check our nonce
die('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.');
// Get _POST Vars
$c = Trim(stripslashes($_POST["value"])); // Repeater Value
$n = Trim(stripslashes($_POST["repeater"])); // Repeater name
$t = Trim(stripslashes($_POST["type"])); // Repeater name
$a = Trim(stripslashes($_POST["alias"])); // Repeater alias
// Default
if($t === 'default'){
// Create Base Repeater Dir (alm-templates)
$base_dir = AjaxLoadMore::alm_get_repeater_path();
$f = $base_dir .'/default.php';
// Custom Repeaters v2
elseif($t === 'unlimited'){
// Custom Repeaters 2.5+
// Get path to repeater dir (alm_templates)
$base_dir = AjaxLoadMore::alm_get_repeater_path();
$f = $base_dir .'/'. $n .'.php';
} else {
$f = ($blog_id > 1) ? ALM_UNLIMITED_PATH. 'repeaters/'. $blog_id .'/'. $n .'.php' : ALM_UNLIMITED_PATH. 'repeaters/'. $n .'.php';
// Custom Repeaters v1
$f = ALM_REPEATER_PATH. 'repeaters/'.$n .'.php';
// Write Repeater Template
try {
$o = fopen($f, 'w+'); //Open file
if ( !$o ) {
throw new Exception(__('[Ajax Load More] Unable to open repeater template - '.$f.' - Please check your file path and ensure your server is configured to allow Ajax Load More to read and write files.', 'ajax-load-more'));
$w = fwrite($o, $c); //Save the file
if ( !$w ) {
throw new Exception(__('[Ajax Load More] Error saving repeater template - '.$f.' - Please check your file path and ensure your server is configured to allow Ajax Load More to read and write files.', 'ajax-load-more'));
fclose($o); //now close it
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// Display error message in console.
if(!isset($options['_alm_error_notices']) || $options['_alm_error_notices'] == '1'){
echo '<script>console.log("' .$e->getMessage(). '");</script>';
// Save to database
if($t === 'default') {
$data_update = array('repeaterDefault' => "$c", 'pluginVersion' => ALM_VERSION);
$data_where = array('name' => "default");
elseif($t === 'unlimited'){ // Custom Repeaters v2
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "alm_unlimited";
$data_update = array('repeaterDefault' => "$c", 'alias' => "$a", 'pluginVersion' => ALM_UNLIMITED_VERSION);
$data_where = array('name' => $n);
else{ // Custom Repeaters
$data_update = array('repeaterDefault' => "$c", 'alias' => "$a", 'pluginVersion' => ALM_REPEATER_VERSION);
$data_where = array('name' => $n);
$wpdb->update($table_name , $data_update, $data_where);
//Our results
echo '<span class="saved">'. __('Template Saved Successfully', 'ajax-load-more') .'</span>';
} else {
echo '<span class="saved-error"><b>'. __('Error Writing File', 'ajax-load-more') .'</b></span><br/>'. __('Something went wrong and the data could not be saved.', 'ajax-load-more');
}else {
echo __('You don\'t belong here.', 'ajax-load-more');
* alm_update_repeater
* Update repeater template from database
* User case: User deletes plugin, then installs again and the version has not change. Click 'Update from DB' option to load template.
* @return Database value
* @since 2.5.0
function alm_update_repeater(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
$nonce = $_POST["nonce"];
// Check our nonce
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' )){ // Check our nonce
die('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.');
// Get _POST Vars
$n = Trim(stripslashes($_POST["repeater"])); // Repeater name
$t = Trim(stripslashes($_POST["type"])); // Repeater type (default | unlimited)
// Get value from database
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "alm";
if($t === 'default') $n = 'default';
if($t === 'unlimited') $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "alm_unlimited";
//$the_repeater = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT repeaterDefault FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE name = '$n'");
$the_repeater = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT repeaterDefault FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE name = '".esc_sql($n)."'");
echo $the_repeater; // Return repeater value
} else {
echo __('You don\'t belong here.', 'ajax-load-more');
* alm_get_tax_terms
* Get taxonomy terms for shortcode builder
* @return Taxonomy Terms
* @since 2.1.0
function alm_get_tax_terms(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
$nonce = $_GET["nonce"];
// Check our nonce, if they don't match then bounce!
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' ))
die('Get Bounced!');
$taxonomy = (isset($_GET['taxonomy'])) ? $_GET['taxonomy'] : '';
$index = (isset($_GET['index'])) ? $_GET['index'] : '1';
$tax_args = array(
'orderby' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'hide_empty' => false
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy, $tax_args);
$returnVal = '';
if ( !empty( $terms ) && !is_wp_error( $terms ) ){
$returnVal .= '<ul>';
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$returnVal .='<li><input type="checkbox" class="alm_element" name="tax-term-'.$term->slug.'" id="tax-term-'.$term->slug.'-'.$index.'" data-type="'.$term->slug.'"><label for="tax-term-'.$term->slug.'-'.$index.'">'.$term->name.'</label></li>';
$returnVal .= '</ul>';
echo $returnVal;
echo "<p class='warning'>No terms exist within this taxonomy</p>";
} else {
echo __('You don\'t belong here.', 'ajax-load-more');
* alm_layouts_dismiss
* Dismiss Add Layouts CTA in repeater templates.
* @since
function alm_layouts_dismiss(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
$nonce = $_POST["nonce"];
// Check our nonce, if they don't match then bounce!
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' ))
die('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.');
update_option('alm_layouts_dismiss', 'true');
echo 'Success';
* alm_dismiss_sharing
* Dismiss sharing widget on plugin settings page.
* @since
function alm_dismiss_sharing(){
if (current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' )){
$nonce = $_POST["nonce"];
// Check our nonce, if they don't match then bounce!
if (! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'alm_repeater_nonce' ))
die(__('Error - unable to verify nonce, please try again.', 'ajax-load-more'));
set_transient( 'alm_dismiss_sharing', 'true', YEAR_IN_SECONDS );
echo 'ALM sharing dismissed successfully.';
* alm_filter_admin_footer_text
* Filter the WP Admin footer text only on ALM pages
* @since 2.12.0
function alm_filter_admin_footer_text( $text ) {
$screen = alm_is_admin_screen();
echo '<strong>Ajax Load More</strong> is made with <span style="color: #e25555;">♥</span> by <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: 500;">Connekt</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: 500;">Leave a Review</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: 500;">Get Support</a>';
echo ' | <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: 500;">Go Pro</a>';
* admin_init
* Initiate the plugin, create our setting variables.
* @since 2.0.0
add_action( 'admin_init', 'alm_admin_init');
function alm_admin_init(){
'Global Settings',
'Admin Settings',
add_settings_field( // Container type
__('Container Type', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Classnames
__('Container Classes', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Disbale CSS
__('Disable CSS', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Btn color
__('Button/Loading Style', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Inline CSS
__('Load CSS Inline', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Button classes
__('Button Classes', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Disable REST API
__('REST API', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Legacy Callbacks
__('Legacy Callbacks', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Scroll to top on load
__('Top of Page', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Uninstall
__('Delete on Uninstall', 'ajax-load-more' ),
add_settings_field( // Load dynamic queries
__('Dynamic Content', 'ajax-load-more' ),
// add_settings_field( // Hide btn
// '_alm_hide_btn',
// __('Editor Button', 'ajax-load-more' ),
// 'alm_hide_btn_callback',
// 'ajax-load-more',
// 'alm_admin_settings'
// );
add_settings_field( // Display error notices
__('Error Notices', 'ajax-load-more' ),
// SEO
* alm_general_settings_callback
* Some general settings text
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_general_settings_callback() {
echo '<p>' . __('Customize the user experience of Ajax Load More by updating the fields below.', 'ajax-load-more') . '</p>';
* alm_admin_settings_callback
* Some general admin settings text
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_admin_settings_callback() {
echo '<p>' . __('The following settings affect the WordPress admin area only.', 'ajax-load-more') . '</p>';
* alm_sanitize_settings
* Sanitize our form fields
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_sanitize_settings( $input ) {
return $input;
* alm_disable_css_callback
* Diabale Ajax Load More CSS.
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_disable_css_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_disable_css'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_disable_css]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" id="alm_disable_css_input" name="alm_settings[_alm_disable_css]" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_disable_css']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="alm_disable_css_input">'.__('I want to use my own CSS styles.', 'ajax-load-more').'<br/><span style="display:block;"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> &nbsp;<a href="'.ALM_URL.'/core/dist/css/ajax-load-more.css" target="blank">'.__('View Ajax Load More CSS', 'ajax-load-more').'</a></span></label>';
echo $html;
* Disbale the ALM shortcode button in the WordPress content editor.
* @since 2.2.1
* @deprecated 5.4.2
function alm_hide_btn_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_hide_btn'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_hide_btn]" value="0" /><input type="checkbox" id="alm_hide_btn" name="alm_settings[_alm_hide_btn]" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_hide_btn']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="alm_hide_btn">'.__('Hide shortcode button in WYSIWYG editor.', 'ajax-load-more').'</label>';
echo $html;
* _alm_error_notices_callback
* Display admin error notices in browser console.
* @since 2.7.2
function _alm_error_notices_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_error_notices'] = '1';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_error_notices]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_error_notices]" id="_alm_error_notices" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_error_notices']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_error_notices">'.__('Display error messaging regarding repeater template updates in the browser console.', 'ajax-load-more').'</label>';
echo $html;
* alm_disable_dynamic_callback
* Disable the dynamic population of categories, tags and authors
* @since 2.6.0
function alm_disable_dynamic_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_disable_dynamic'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_disable_dynamic]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_disable_dynamic]" id="_alm_disable_dynamic" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_disable_dynamic']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_disable_dynamic">'.__('Disable dynamic population of categories, tags and authors in the Shortcode Builder.<span style="display:block">Recommended if you have a large number of categories, tags and/or authors.', 'ajax-load-more').'</label>';
echo $html;
* alm_container_type_callback
* The type of container ul or div
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_container_type_callback() {
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_container_type'] = '1';
$html = '<input type="radio" id="_alm_container_type_one" name="alm_settings[_alm_container_type]" value="1"' . checked( 1, $options['_alm_container_type'], false ) . '/>';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_container_type_one">&lt;ul&gt; <span style="padding-top: 2px;">&lt;!-- '.__('Ajax Posts Here', 'ajax-load-more').' --&gt;</span> &lt;/ul&gt;</label><br/>';
$html .= '<input type="radio" id="_alm_container_type_two" name="alm_settings[_alm_container_type]" value="2"' . checked( 2, $options['_alm_container_type'], false ) . '/>';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_container_type_two">&lt;div&gt; <span style="padding-top: 2px;">&lt;!-- '.__('Ajax Posts Here', 'ajax-load-more').' --&gt;</span> &lt;/div&gt;</label>';
$html .= '<label style="cursor: default !important"><span style="display:block">'.__('You can modify the container type when building a shortcode.', 'ajax-load-more').'</span></label>';
echo $html;
* alm_class_callback
* Add classes to the Ajax Load More wrapper
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_class_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$html = '<label for="alm_settings[_alm_classname]">'.__('Add custom classes to the <i>.alm-listing</i> container - classes are applied globally and will appear with every instance of Ajax Load More. <span style="display:block">You can also add classes when building a shortcode.</span>', 'ajax-load-more').'</label><br/>';
$html .= '<input type="text" id="alm_settings[_alm_classname]" name="alm_settings[_alm_classname]" value="'.$options['_alm_classname'].'" placeholder="posts listing etc..." /> ';
echo $html;
* alm_btn_color_callback
* Get button color
* @since 2.0.0
function alm_btn_color_callback() {
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$type = $options['_alm_btn_color'];
$options['_alm_btn_color'] = '0';
$selected0 = '';
if($type == 'default') $selected0 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected1 = '';
if($type == 'blue') $selected1 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected2 = '';
if($type == 'green') $selected2 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected3 = '';
if($type == 'red') $selected3 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected4 = '';
if($type == 'purple') $selected4 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected5 = '';
if($type == 'grey') $selected5 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected6 = '';
if($type == 'white') $selected6 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected13 = '';
if($type == 'light-grey') $selected13 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected7 = '';
if($type == 'infinite classic') $selected7 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected8 = '';
if($type == 'infinite skype') $selected8 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected9 = '';
if($type == 'infinite ring') $selected9 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected10 = '';
if($type == 'infinite fading-blocks') $selected10 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected11 = '';
if($type == 'infinite fading-circles') $selected11 = 'selected="selected"';
$selected12 = '';
if($type == 'infinite chasing-arrows') $selected12 = 'selected="selected"';
$html = '<label for="alm_settings_btn_color">'.__('Select an Ajax loading style - you can choose between a <strong>Button</strong> or <strong>Infinite Scroll</strong>', 'ajax-load-more');
$html .= '.<br/><span style="display:block">Selecting an Infinite Scroll style will remove the click interaction and load content on scroll <u>only</u>.</span>';
$html .= '</label>';
$html .= '<select id="alm_settings_btn_color" name="alm_settings[_alm_btn_color]">';
$html .= '<optgroup label="'. __('Button Style (Dark)', 'ajax-load-more') .'">';
$html .= '<option value="default" class="alm-color default" ' . $selected0 .'>Default</option>';
$html .= '<option value="blue" class="alm-color blue" ' . $selected1 .'>Blue</option>';
$html .= '<option value="green" class="alm-color green" ' . $selected2 .'>Green</option>';
$html .= '<option value="purple" class="alm-color purple" ' . $selected4 .'>Purple</option>';
$html .= '<option value="grey" class="alm-color grey" ' . $selected5 .'>Grey</option>';
$html .= '</optgroup>';
$html .= '<optgroup label="'. __('Button Style (Light)', 'ajax-load-more') .'">';
$html .= '<option value="white" class="alm-color white" ' . $selected6 .'>White</option>';
$html .= '<option value="light-grey" class="alm-color light-grey" ' . $selected13 .'>Light Grey</option>';
$html .= '</optgroup>';
$html .= '<optgroup label="'. __('Infinite Scroll (No Button)', 'ajax-load-more') .'">';
$html .= '<option value="infinite classic" class="infinite classic" ' . $selected7 .'>Classic</option>';
$html .= '<option value="infinite skype" class="infinite skype" ' . $selected8 .'>Skype</option>';
$html .= '<option value="infinite ring" class="infinite ring" ' . $selected9 .'>Circle Fill</option>';
$html .= '<option value="infinite fading-blocks" class="infinite fading-blocks" ' . $selected10 .'>Fading Blocks</option>';
$html .= '<option value="infinite fading-circles" class="infinite fading-circles" ' . $selected11 .'>Fading Circles</option>';
$html .= '<option value="infinite chasing-arrows" class="infinite chasing-arrows" ' . $selected12 .'>Chasing Arrows</option>';
$html .= '</optgroup>';
$html .= '</select>';
// Set loading class for infinite type only
$loadingClass = (strpos($type, 'infinite') !== false) ? ' loading' : '';
$html .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
$html .= '<div class="alm-btn-wrap">';
$html .= '<div class="ajax-load-more-wrap core '.$type.'">';
$html .='<span>'.__('Click to Preview', 'ajax-load-more') .'</span>';
$html .= '<button style="cursor: pointer;" type="button" class="alm-load-more-btn'. $loadingClass .'" id="test-alm-button">'.apply_filters('alm_button_label', __('Load More', 'ajax-load-more')).'</button>';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
echo $html;
* alm_inline_css_callback
* Load CSS Inline vs the head
* @since 3.3.1
function alm_inline_css_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_inline_css'] = '1';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_inline_css]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_inline_css]" id="alm_inline_css" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_inline_css']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="alm_inline_css">'.__('Improve site performance by loading Ajax Load More CSS inline.', 'ajax-load-more').'</label>';
echo $html;
* alm_btn_class_callback
* Add classes to the Ajax Load More button
* @since 2.4.1
function alm_btn_class_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_btn_classname'] = '';
$html = '<label for="alm_settings[_alm_btn_classname]">'.__('Add classes to your <strong>Load More</strong> button.', 'ajax-load-more').'</label>';
$html .= '<input type="text" class="btn-classes" id="alm_settings[_alm_btn_classname]" name="alm_settings[_alm_btn_classname]" value="'.$options['_alm_btn_classname'].'" placeholder="button rounded listing etc..." /> ';
echo $html;
// Check if Disable CSS === true
jQuery('select#alm_settings_btn_color').parent().parent().hide(); // Hide button color
jQuery('input#alm_inline_css').parent().parent().hide(); // Hide inline css
jQuery('input#alm_disable_css_input').change(function() {
var el = jQuery(this);
if(":checked")) {
el.parent().parent('tr').next('tr').hide(); // Hide button color
el.parent().parent('tr').next('tr').next('tr').hide(); // Hide inline css
el.parent().parent('tr').next('tr').show(); // show button color
el.parent().parent('tr').next('tr').next('tr').show(); // show inline css
* _alm_scroll_top_callback
* Move window to top of screen on page load
* @since 2.6.0
function _alm_scroll_top_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_scroll_top'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_scroll_top]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_scroll_top]" id="_alm_scroll_top" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_scroll_top']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_scroll_top">';
$html .= __('On initial page load, move the user\'s browser window to the top of the screen.', 'ajax-load-more');
$html .= '<span style="display:block">'. __('This may help prevent the loading of unnecessary posts.', 'ajax-load-more') .'</span>';
$html .= '</label>';
echo $html;
* _alm_use_rest_api
* Disable REST API in favor of admin-ajax.php
* @since 5.1
function _alm_use_rest_api_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_use_rest_api'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_use_rest_api]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_use_rest_api]" id="_alm_use_rest_api" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_use_rest_api']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_use_rest_api">';
$html .= __('Disable REST API.', 'ajax-load-more');
$html .= '<span style="display:block">'. __('Use `admin-ajax.php` in favour of the WordPress REST API for all Ajax requests.', 'ajax-load-more') .'</span>';
$html .= '</label>';
echo $html;
* _alm_legacy_callbacks_callback
* Load legacy callback actions
* @since 5.0.0
function _alm_legacy_callbacks_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_legacy_callbacks'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_legacy_callbacks]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_legacy_callbacks]" id="_alm_legacy_callbacks" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_legacy_callbacks']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_legacy_callbacks">';
$html .= __('Load legacy JavaScript callback functions.', 'ajax-load-more');
$html .= '<span style="display:block">'. __('Ajax Load More <a href="" target="_blank">callback functions</a> were updated in 5.0. Users who were using callbacks prior to ALM 5.0 can load this helper library to maintain compatibility.', 'ajax-load-more') .'</span>';
$html .= '</label>';
echo $html;
* _alm_uninstall_callback
* Remove all ALM data on uninstall
* @since 4.1.0
function _alm_uninstall_callback(){
$options = get_option( 'alm_settings' );
$options['_alm_uninstall'] = '0';
$html = '<input type="hidden" name="alm_settings[_alm_uninstall]" value="0" />';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="alm_settings[_alm_uninstall]" id="_alm_uninstall" value="1"'. (($options['_alm_uninstall']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') .' />';
$html .= '<label for="_alm_uninstall">'.__('Check this box if Ajax Load More should remove all of its data* when the plugin is deleted.', 'ajax-load-more');
$html .= '<span style="display:block"><em>'. __('* Database Tables, Options and Repeater Templates', 'ajax-load-more') .'</em></span>';
$html .= '</label>';
echo $html;