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=== ACF Options For Polylang ===
Contributors: momo360modena, BeAPI, maximeculea, NicolasKulka
Author URI:
Plugin URL:
Requires at Least: 4.7
Tested Up To: 5.2
Tags: acf, polylang, option, options, options page, advanced custom fields
Stable tag: 1.1.7
Requires PHP: 5.6
Add ACF options page support for Polylang.
== Description ==
You are using Advanced Custom Fields for creating option pages and you have Polylang installed for awsome multilingual site ?
Sadly, Polylang is not handling ACF's Option Pages. Which means values will be the same for all languages you have set.
We are here to save your life ! Once this plugin is activated, you will be able to set a different value for each language, and if none is set, the "All languages" value will be used as default one.
# How ?
This plugin will store a value for each language into database. Then Polylang's languages are used to get the values from the DB. <b>That means at activation, all existing data will not be anymore available, but still in database. You will retrieve it at plugin deactivation.</b>
Then to set and contribute your option page, simply use the Polylang's language admin flags ui.
# Features
- Almost simple fields (text, textarea, links, etc)
- Repeater fields (with simple fields)
# Who ?
Created by [Be API](, the French WordPress leader agency since 2009. Based in Paris, we are more than 30 people and always [hiring]( some fun and talented guys. So we will be pleased to work with you.
This plugin is only maintained, which means we do not guarantee some free support. Consider reporting an [issue]( and be patient.
To facilitate the process of submitting an issue and quicker answer, we only use Github, so don't use WP.Org support, it will not be considered.
== Installation ==
First activate and configure ACF & Polylang on you site.
Then activate ACF Options For Polylang to handle ACF Options in setted Polylang's languages.
= Requirements =
- WordPress 4.7+ / Tested up to 5.2
- Require PHP 5.6
- [Advanced Custom Fields Pro (5.6.0+)](
- [Polylang](
= WordPress =
- Download and install using the built-in WordPress plugin installer.
- Site activate in the "Plugins" area of the admin.
- Optionally drop the entire `acf-options-for-polylang` directory into mu-plugins.
- Nothing more, this plugin is ready to use !
== Changelog ==
= 1.1.7 - 07 May 2019 =
- Feature: Add a context-sensitive help to the user on ACF options page (tired of updating the generic options ...)
- Improve: object detection from ACF with get_field()
- Feature: Add translation POT and french translation
- FEATURE [#31]( Brand for
- Test: Test up on WP 5.2
- FIX [#41]( fix bug with all language failback and repeater
= 1.1.6 - 19 Mar 2019 =
- FIX [#32]( & [#40]( : fix `get_field()` if an object is provided (WP Term, WP Post, WP Comment)
= 1.1.5 - 11 Dec 2018 =
- FIX wrong constant
= 1.1.4 - 13 Nov 2018 =
- Refactor by adding the Helpers class
- FEATURE [#26]( : allow to precise to show or hide default values for a specific option page
- FEATURE [#21]( : handle custom option id
= 1.1.3 - 2 Aug 2018 =
- FEATURE [#23]( : requirement to php5.6 whereas namespace are 5.3
= 1.1.2 - 31 Jul 2018 =
- FIX [#22]( : error with repeater fields default values
= 1.1.1 - 9 Mai 2018 =
- FIX [#15]( : way requirements are checked to trigger on front / admin
= 1.1.0 - Mar 2018 =
- True (complet) plugin.
- Add check for ACF 5.6.
= 1.0.2 - 23 Dec 2017 =
- Refactor and reformat.
- Handle all options page and custom post_id.
- Now load only if ACF & Polylang are activated.
- Load later at plugins loaded.
= 1.0.1 - 19 Sep 2016 =
- Plugin update.
= 1.0.0 - 8 Mar 2016 =
- Init plugin.