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{"translation-revision-date":"2021-01-28 20:06:07+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/3.0.0-alpha.2","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"Uncategorized":["Uncategorised"],"%s (selected)":["%s (selected)"],"Open the block list view.":["Open the block list view."],"Preferences":["Preferences"],"Review settings such as categories and tags.":["Review settings such as categories and tags."],"Include pre-publish checklist":["Include pre-publish checklist"],"Places the most frequent blocks in the block library.":["Places the most frequent blocks in the block library."],"Show most used blocks":["Show most used blocks"],"Keyboard":["Keyboard"],"Aids screen readers by stopping text caret from leaving blocks.":["Aids screen readers by stopping text caret from leaving blocks."],"Appearance":["Appearance"],"Compacts options and outlines in the toolbar.":["Compacts options and outlines in the Toolbar."],"Reduce the interface":["Reduce the interface"],"Highlights the current block and fades other content.":["Highlights the current block and fades other content."],"Shows text instead of icons in toolbar.":["Shows text instead of icons in Toolbar."],"Display button labels":["Display button labels"],"Make the editor look like your theme.":["Make the editor look like your theme."],"Use theme styles":["Use theme styles"],"Choose what displays in the panel.":["Choose what displays in the panel."],"Additional panels":["Additional panels"],"Add extra areas to the editor.":["Add extra areas to the editor."],"Modes":["Modes"],"Hide More Settings":["Hide More Settings"],"Show More Settings":["Show More Settings"],"Drawer":["Drawer"],"Open save panel":["Open save panel"],"Block library":["Block library"],"Preview in new tab":["Preview in new tab"],"Contain text cursor inside block":["Contain text cursor inside block"],"Left sidebar":["Left sidebar"],"Open document settings":["Open document settings"],"Open block settings":["Open block settings"],"Here's a detailed guide.":["Here's a detailed guide."],"All of the blocks available to you live in the block library. 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These will show and hide automatically when you have a block selected."],"Get to know the block library":["Get to know the block library"],"Make each block your own":["Make each block your own"],"In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image, or video is presented as a distinct \u201cblock\u201d of content.":["In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image or video is presented as a distinct \u201cblock\u201d of content."],"Get started":["Get started"],"inserter":["inserter"],"View post":["View post"],"Welcome to the block editor":["Welcome to the block editor"],"Page attributes":["Page attributes"],"https:\/\/\/support\/article\/wordpress-editor\/":["https:\/\/\/support\/article\/wordpress-editor\/"],"Welcome Guide":["Welcome Guide"],"Keyboard shortcuts":["Keyboard shortcuts"],"Editor footer":["Editor footer"],"Generic label for block inserter button\u0004Add block":["Add block"],"All content copied.":["All content copied."],"Disable & Reload":["Disable & Reload"],"Display these keyboard shortcuts.":["Display these keyboard shortcuts."],"A page reload is required for this change. 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