'; GFEntryDetail::lead_detail_grid( $form, $entry ); echo ''; $print_entry_notes = rgget( 'notes' ) === '1'; /** * Allows printing of entry notes to be overridden. * * @since 2.4.17 * * @param bool $print_entry_notes Indicates if printing of notes was enabled via the entry list or detail pages. * @param array $entry The entry currently being printed. * @param array $form The form which created the current entry. */ $print_entry_notes = apply_filters( 'gform_print_entry_notes', $print_entry_notes, $entry, $form ); if ( $print_entry_notes ) { $notes = GFFormsModel::get_lead_notes( $entry['id'] ); if ( ! empty( $notes ) ) { GFEntryDetail::notes_grid( $notes, false ); } } // Output entry divider/page break. if ( array_search( $entry['id'], $entry_ids ) < count( $entry_ids ) - 1 ) { echo ''; } } // Get form ID. $form_id = absint( rgget( 'fid' ) ); // Get submitted entry IDs. $entry_ids = rgget( 'lid' ); // If no entry IDs were defined, get all entry IDs. if ( 0 == $entry_ids ) { $filter = rgget( 'filter' ); $search = rgget( 'search' ); $star = $filter == 'star' ? 1 : null; $read = $filter == 'unread' ? 0 : null; $status = in_array( $filter, array( 'trash', 'spam' ) ) ? $filter : 'active'; $search_criteria['status'] = $status; if ( $star ) { $search_criteria['field_filters'][] = array( 'key' => 'is_starred', 'value' => (bool) $star ); } if ( ! is_null( $read ) ) { $search_criteria['field_filters'][] = array( 'key' => 'is_read', 'value' => (bool) $read ); } $search_field_id = rgget( 'field_id' ); $search_operator = rgget( 'operator' ); if ( isset( $_GET['field_id'] ) && $_GET['field_id'] !== '' ) { $key = $search_field_id; $val = rgget( 's' ); $strpos_row_key = strpos( $search_field_id, '|' ); if ( $strpos_row_key !== false ) { //multi-row $key_array = explode( '|', $search_field_id ); $key = $key_array[0]; $val = $key_array[1] . ':' . $val; } $search_criteria['field_filters'][] = array( 'key' => $key, 'operator' => rgempty( 'operator', $_GET ) ? 'is' : rgget( 'operator' ), 'value' => $val, ); } // Prepare sorting. $sorting = array(); if ( rgget( 'orderby' ) ) { // Add column to order by. $sorting['key'] = sanitize_text_field( rgget( 'orderby' ) ); // Get sorting direction. $direction = rgget( 'order' ); $direction = strtoupper( $direction ); $direction = in_array( $direction, array( 'ASC', 'DESC' ) ) ? $direction : 'ASC'; // Add sorting direction to array. $sorting['direction'] = $direction; } // Initialize paging array. $paging = array(); /** * Allow the entry list search criteria to be overridden. * * @deprecated 2.3 Use "gform_search_criteria_entry_list" instead. * * @since * * @param array $search_criteria An array containing the search criteria. * @param int $form_id The ID of the current form. */ $search_criteria = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_search_criteria_entry_list', $form_id ), $search_criteria, $form_id ); /** * Filter the arguments that will be used to fetch entries for display on the Entry List view. * * @since * * @param array $args { * * Array of arguments that will be passed to GFAPI::get_entries() to fetch the entries to be displayed. * * @var int $form_id The form ID for which entries will be loaded. * @var array $search_criteria An array of search critiera that will be used to filter entries. * @var array $sorting An array containing properties that specify how the entries will be sorted. * @var array $paging An array containing properties that specify how the entries will be paginated. * } */ $args = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_get_entries_args_entry_list', $form_id ), compact( 'form_id', 'search_criteria', 'sorting', 'paging' ) ); $entry_ids = GFAPI::get_entry_ids( $args['form_id'], $args['search_criteria'], $args['sorting'], $args['paging'] ); } else { // Convert entry IDs to array. $entry_ids = explode( ',', $entry_ids ); } // If no form ID or entry IDs are set, exit. if ( empty( $form_id ) || empty( $entry_ids ) ) { die( esc_html__( 'Form Id and Entry Id are required parameters.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } // Get form. $form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ); // Get script/styling extension. $min = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG || isset( $_GET['gform_debug'] ) ? '' : '.min'; ?> Print Preview : <?php echo esc_html( $form['title'] ) ?> : <?php echo count( $entry_ids ) > 1 ? esc_html__( 'Bulk Print', 'gravityforms' ) : esc_html__( 'Entry # ', 'gravityforms' ) . absint( $entry_ids[0] ); ?> >