', '' ) ?>

'; $subsetting_close = '
'; // Create form settings table rows and put them into an array. // Form title. $tr_form_title = ' ' . __( 'Form title', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_title', '', true ) . ' '; // Form description. $tr_form_description = ' ' . __( 'Form description', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_description', '', true ) . ' '; // Form label placement. $alignment_options = array( 'top_label' => __( 'Top aligned', 'gravityforms' ), 'left_label' => __( 'Left aligned', 'gravityforms' ), 'right_label' => __( 'Right aligned', 'gravityforms' ) ); $label_dd = ''; foreach ( $alignment_options as $value => $label ) { $selected = $form['labelPlacement'] == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $label_dd .= ''; } $tr_form_label_placement = ' ' . __( 'Label placement', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_label_placement', '', true ) . ' '; // Form description placement. $style = $form['labelPlacement'] != 'top_label' ? 'display:none;' : ''; $description_dd = ''; $description_options = array( 'below' => __( 'Below inputs', 'gravityforms' ), 'above' => __( 'Above inputs', 'gravityforms' ) ); foreach ( $description_options as $value => $label ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'descriptionPlacement' ) == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $description_dd .= ''; } $tr_form_description_placement = ' ' . __( 'Description placement', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_description_placement', '', true ) . ' '; // Sub-label placement. $sub_label_placement_dd = ''; $sub_label_placement_options = array( 'below' => __( 'Below inputs', 'gravityforms' ), 'above' => __( 'Above inputs', 'gravityforms' ) ); foreach ( $sub_label_placement_options as $value => $label ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'subLabelPlacement' ) == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $sub_label_placement_dd .= ''; } $tr_sub_label_placement = ' ' . __( 'Sub-Label Placement', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_sub_label_placement', '', true ) . ' '; //css class name. $tr_css_class_name = ' '; // Create form advanced settings table rows. // Create form button rows. $form_button_type = rgars( $form, 'button/type' ); $text_button_checked = ''; $image_button_checked = ''; $text_style_display = ''; $image_style_display = ''; if ( $form_button_type == 'text' ) { $text_button_checked = 'checked="checked"'; $image_style_display = 'display:none;'; } else if ( $form_button_type == 'image' ) { $image_button_checked = 'checked="checked"'; $text_style_display = 'display:none;'; } // Form button. $tr_form_button = ' ' . __( 'Input type', 'gravityforms' ) . '    '; // Form button text. $tr_form_button_text = $subsetting_open . ' ' . __( 'Button text', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_button_text', '', true ) . ' '; // Form button image path. $tr_form_button_image_path = ' ' . __( 'Button image path', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_button_image', '', true ) . ' ' . $subsetting_close; // Form button conditional logic. $button_conditional_checked = ''; if ( rgars( $form, 'button/conditionalLogic' ) ) { $button_conditional_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $tr_form_button_conditional = ' ' . __( 'Button conditional logic', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_button_conditional_logic', '', true ) . ' '; // Create save and continue rows. $save_enabled_checked = ''; $save_enabled_style = ''; if ( rgars( $form, 'save/enabled' ) ) { $save_enabled_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $save_enabled_style = 'style="display:none;"'; } $save_button_text = isset( $form['save']['button']['text'] ) ? esc_attr( rgars( $form, 'save/button/text' ) ) : __( 'Save and Continue Later', 'gravityforms' ); $tr_enable_save = ' ' . __( 'Save and Continue', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_enable_save', '', true ) . ' '; // Warning. $tr_save_warning = ' ' . $subsetting_open . '
'. __('This feature stores potentially private and sensitive data on this server and protects it with a unique link which is displayed to the user on the page in plain, unencrypted text. The link is similar to a password so it\'s strongly advisable to ensure that the page enforces a secure connection (HTTPS) before activating this setting.', 'gravityforms'). '

'. __('When this setting is activated two confirmations and one notification are automatically generated and can be modified in their respective editors. When this setting is deactivated the confirmations and the notification will be deleted automatically and any modifications will be lost.', 'gravityforms'). '
'; // Save button text. $tr_save_button_text = ' ' . __( 'Link text', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_save_button_text', '', true ) . ' ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Limit entries. $limit_entry_checked = ''; $limit_entry_style = ''; $limit_entries_dd = ''; if ( rgar( $form, 'limitEntries' ) ) { $limit_entry_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $limit_entry_style = 'display:none'; } $limit_periods = array( '' => __( 'total entries', 'gravityforms' ), 'day' => __( 'per day', 'gravityforms' ), 'week' => __( 'per week', 'gravityforms' ), 'month' => __( 'per month', 'gravityforms' ), 'year' => __( 'per year', 'gravityforms' ) ); foreach ( $limit_periods as $value => $label ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'limitEntriesPeriod' ) == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $limit_entries_dd .= ''; } $tr_limit_entries = ' ' . __( 'Limit number of entries', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_limit_entries', '', true ) . ' '; // Limit entries count. $tr_limit_entries_count = ' ' . $subsetting_open . ' ' . __( 'Number of Entries', 'gravityforms' ) . '   ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Limit entries message. $tr_limit_entries_message = ' ' . $subsetting_open . ' ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Schedule form. $schedule_form_checked = ''; $schedule_form_style = ''; $start_hour_dd = ''; $start_minute_dd = ''; $start_am_selected = ''; $start_pm_selected = ''; $end_hour_dd = ''; $end_minute_dd = ''; $end_am_selected = ''; $end_pm_selected = ''; if ( rgar( $form, 'scheduleForm' ) ) { $schedule_form_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $schedule_form_style = 'display:none'; } // Create start hour dd options. for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i ++ ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'scheduleStartHour' ) == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $start_hour_dd .= ''; } // Create start minute dd options. foreach ( array( '00', '15', '30', '45' ) as $value ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'scheduleStartMinute' ) == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $start_minute_dd .= ''; } // Set start am/pm. if ( rgar( $form, 'scheduleStartAmpm' ) == 'am' ) { $start_am_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif ( rgar( $form, 'scheduleStartAmpm' ) == 'pm' ) { $start_pm_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } // Create end hour dd options. for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i ++ ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'scheduleEndHour' ) == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $end_hour_dd .= ''; } // Create end minute dd options. foreach ( array( '00', '15', '30', '45' ) as $value ) { $selected = rgar( $form, 'scheduleEndMinute' ) == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $end_minute_dd .= ''; } // Set end am/pm. if ( rgar( $form, 'scheduleEndAmpm' ) == 'am' ) { $end_am_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif ( rgar( $form, 'scheduleEndAmpm' ) == 'pm' ) { $end_pm_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } // Schedule form. $tr_schedule_form = ' ' . __( 'Schedule form', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_schedule_form', '', true ) . ' '; // Schedule start. $tr_schedule_start = ' ' . $subsetting_open . '    : ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Schedule end. $tr_schedule_end = ' ' . $subsetting_open . ' ' . __( 'Schedule Form End Date/Time', 'gravityforms' ) . '    : ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Schedule message. $tr_schedule_pending_message = ' ' . $subsetting_open . ' ' . __( 'Form Pending Message', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Schedule message. $tr_schedule_message = ' ' . $subsetting_open . ' ' . __( 'Form Expired Message', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Honey pot. $honey_pot_checked = ''; if ( rgar( $form, 'enableHoneypot' ) ) { $honey_pot_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $tr_honey_pot = ' ' . __( 'Anti-spam honeypot', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_honeypot', '', true ) . ' '; // Enable animation. $enable_animation_checked = ''; if ( rgar( $form, 'enableAnimation' ) ) { $enable_animation_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $tr_enable_animation = ' ' . __( 'Animated transitions', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_animation', '', true ) . ' '; // Require login. $require_login_checked = ''; $require_login_style = ''; if ( rgar( $form, 'requireLogin' ) ) { $require_login_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $require_login_style = 'display:none'; } $tr_requires_login = ' ' . __( 'Require user to be logged in', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_require_login', '', true ) . ' '; // Require login message. $tr_requires_login_message = ' ' . $subsetting_open . ' ' . __( 'Require Login Message', 'gravityforms' ) . ' ' . gform_tooltip( 'form_require_login_message', '', true ) . ' ' . $subsetting_close . ' '; // Populate arrays with table rows $form_basics = array( 'form_title' => $tr_form_title, 'form_description' => $tr_form_description ); $form_layout = array( 'form_label_placement' => $tr_form_label_placement, 'form_description_placement' => $tr_form_description_placement, 'form_sub_label_placement' => $tr_sub_label_placement, 'css_class_name' => $tr_css_class_name ); $form_button = array( 'form_button_type' => $tr_form_button, 'form_button_text' => $tr_form_button_text, 'form_button_image_path' => $tr_form_button_image_path, 'form_button_conditional' => $tr_form_button_conditional ); $save_button = array( 'save_enabled' => $tr_enable_save, 'save_warning' => $tr_save_warning, 'save_button_text' => $tr_save_button_text ); $form_restrictions = array( 'limit_entries' => $tr_limit_entries, 'number_of_entries' => $tr_limit_entries_count, 'entry_limit_message' => $tr_limit_entries_message, 'schedule_form' => $tr_schedule_form, 'schedule_start' => $tr_schedule_start, 'schedule_end' => $tr_schedule_end, 'schedule_pending_message' => $tr_schedule_pending_message, 'schedule_message' => $tr_schedule_message, 'requires_login' => $tr_requires_login, 'requires_login_message' => $tr_requires_login_message ); $form_options = array( 'honey_pot' => $tr_honey_pot, 'enable_animation' => $tr_enable_animation ); $form_settings = array( __( 'Form Basics', 'gravityforms' ) => $form_basics, __( 'Form Layout', 'gravityforms' ) => $form_layout, __( 'Form Button', 'gravityforms' ) => $form_button, __( 'Save and Continue', 'gravityforms' ) => $save_button, __( 'Restrictions', 'gravityforms' ) => $form_restrictions, __( 'Form Options', 'gravityforms' ) => $form_options, ); /** * Filters the form settings before they are displayed. * * @since 1.7 * * @param array $form_settings The form settings. * @param array $form The Form Object. */ $form_settings = apply_filters( 'gform_form_settings', $form_settings, $form ); ?>

$value ) { ?>

0 ) ); ?>

prepare_items(); ?>
display(); ?>
', '' ); GFCommon::add_dismissible_message( $dismissible_message, 'confirmation_unsafe_' . $form_id ); } self::page_header( __( 'Confirmations', 'gravityforms' ) ); ?>

'; $subsetting_close = '
'; $ui_settings = array(); $confirmation_type = rgar( $confirmation, 'type' ) ? rgar( $confirmation, 'type' ) : 'message'; $is_valid = ! empty( GFCommon::$errors ); $is_default = rgar( $confirmation, 'isDefault' ); $form_id = rgget( 'id' ); $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta( $form_id ); ob_start(); ?> class=""> value="message" onclick="ToggleConfirmation();" onkeypress="ToggleConfirmation();" />    value="page" onclick="ToggleConfirmation();" onkeypress="ToggleConfirmation();" />    value="redirect" onclick="ToggleConfirmation();" onkeypress="ToggleConfirmation();" /> > false, 'editor_class' => 'merge-tag-support mt-wp_editor mt-manual_position mt-position-right' ) ); ?>
class=""> 'form_confirmation_page', 'selected' => rgar( $confirmation, 'pageId' ), 'show_option_none' => __( 'Select a page', 'gravityforms' ) ) ); ?> class=""> onclick="TogglePageQueryString()" onkeypress="TogglePageQueryString()" />
> > onclick="ToggleQueryString()" onkeypress="ToggleQueryString()" />

array( 'name' => 'settings', 'label' => __( 'Form Settings', 'gravityforms' ), 'capabilities' => array( 'gravityforms_edit_forms' ), ), '20' => array( 'name' => 'confirmation', 'label' => __( 'Confirmations', 'gravityforms' ), 'query' => array( 'cid' => null, 'duplicatedcid' => null ), 'capabilities' => array( 'gravityforms_edit_forms' ), ), '30' => array( 'name' => 'notification', 'label' => __( 'Notifications', 'gravityforms' ), 'query' => array( 'nid' => null ), 'capabilities' => array( 'gravityforms_edit_forms' ), ), '40' => array( 'name' => 'personal-data', 'label' => __( 'Personal Data', 'gravityforms' ), 'query' => array( 'nid' => null ), 'capabilities' => array( 'gravityforms_edit_forms' ), ), ); /** * Filters the settings tabs before they are returned. * * Tabs are not sorted yet, and will be sorted numerically. * * @since Unknown * * @param array $setting_tabs The settings tabs. * @param int $form_id The ID of the form being accessed. */ $setting_tabs = apply_filters( 'gform_form_settings_menu', $setting_tabs, $form_id ); ksort( $setting_tabs, SORT_NUMERIC ); return $setting_tabs; } /** * Handles the submission of confirmations page edits. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_edit_page() * @uses GFFormSettings::maybe_wp_kses() * @uses GFFormsModel::sanitize_conditional_logic() * @uses GFCommon::add_error_message() * @uses GFCommon::is_valid_url() * @uses GFCommon::has_merge_tag() * @uses GFFormsModel::trim_conditional_logic_values_from_element() * @uses GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations() * @uses GFCommon::add_message() * * @param array $confirmation The confirmation details. * @param array $form The Form Object. * * @return array $confirmation The Confirmation that was submitted. */ public static function handle_confirmation_edit_submission( $confirmation, $form ) { if ( empty( $_POST ) || ! check_admin_referer( 'gform_confirmation_edit', 'gform_confirmation_edit' ) ) { return $confirmation; } $is_new_confirmation = ! $confirmation; if ( $is_new_confirmation ) { $confirmation['id'] = uniqid(); } $name = sanitize_text_field( rgpost( 'form_confirmation_name' ) ); $confirmation['name'] = $name; $type = rgpost( 'form_confirmation' ); if ( ! in_array( $type, array( 'message', 'page', 'redirect' ) ) ) { $type = 'message'; } $confirmation['type'] = $type; // Filter HTML for users without the unfiltered_html capability $confirmation_message = self::maybe_wp_kses( rgpost( 'form_confirmation_message' ) ); $failed_validation = false; $confirmation['message'] = $confirmation_message; $confirmation['disableAutoformat'] = (bool) rgpost( 'form_disable_autoformatting' ); $confirmation['pageId'] = absint( rgpost( 'form_confirmation_page' ) ); $confirmation['url'] = rgpost( 'form_confirmation_url' ); $query_string = '' != rgpost( 'form_redirect_querystring' ) ? rgpost( 'form_redirect_querystring' ) : rgpost( 'form_page_querystring' ); $confirmation['queryString'] = wp_strip_all_tags( $query_string ); $confirmation['isDefault'] = (bool) rgpost( 'is_default' ); // if is default confirmation, override any submitted conditional logic with empty array $confirmation['conditionalLogic'] = $confirmation['isDefault'] ? array() : json_decode( rgpost( 'conditional_logic' ), ARRAY_A ); $confirmation['conditionalLogic'] = GFFormsModel::sanitize_conditional_logic( $confirmation['conditionalLogic'] ); if ( ! $confirmation['name'] ) { $failed_validation = true; GFCommon::add_error_message( __( 'You must specify a Confirmation Name.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } switch ( $type ) { case 'page': if ( empty( $confirmation['pageId'] ) ) { $failed_validation = true; GFCommon::add_error_message( __( 'You must select a Confirmation Page.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } break; case 'redirect': if ( ( empty( $confirmation['url'] ) || ! GFCommon::is_valid_url( $confirmation['url'] ) ) && ! GFCommon::has_merge_tag( $confirmation['url'] ) ) { $failed_validation = true; GFCommon::add_error_message( __( 'You must specify a valid Redirect URL.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } break; } if ( $failed_validation ) { return $confirmation; } /** * Filters the confirmation before it is saved. * * @since Unknown * * @param array $confirmation The confirmation details. * @param array $form The Form Object. * @param bool $is_new_confirmation True if this is a new confirmation. False if editing existing. */ $confirmation = gf_apply_filters( array( 'gform_pre_confirmation_save', $form['id'] ), $confirmation, $form, $is_new_confirmation ); // trim values $confirmation = GFFormsModel::trim_conditional_logic_values_from_element( $confirmation, $form ); // add current confirmation to confirmations array $form['confirmations'][ $confirmation['id'] ] = $confirmation; // save updated confirmations array $result = GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations( $form['id'], $form['confirmations'] ); if ( $result !== false ) { $url = remove_query_arg( array( 'cid', 'duplicatedcid' ) ); GFCommon::add_message( sprintf( __( 'Confirmation saved successfully. %sBack to confirmations.%s', 'gravityforms' ), '', '' ) ); } else { GFCommon::add_error_message( __( 'There was an issue saving this confirmation.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } return $confirmation; } /** * Processes actions made from the Confirmations List page. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_list_page() * @uses GFFormSettings::delete_confirmation() * @uses GFCommon::add_message() * @uses GFCommon::add_error_message() * * @return void */ public static function maybe_process_confirmation_list_action() { if ( empty( $_POST ) || ! check_admin_referer( 'gform_confirmation_list_action', 'gform_confirmation_list_action' ) ) return; $action = rgpost( 'action' ); $object_id = rgpost( 'action_argument' ); switch ( $action ) { case 'delete': $confirmation_deleted = self::delete_confirmation( $object_id, rgget( 'id' ) ); if ( $confirmation_deleted ) { GFCommon::add_message( __( 'Confirmation deleted.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } else { GFCommon::add_error_message( __( 'There was an issue deleting this confirmation.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } break; } } /** * Delete a form confirmation by ID. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::maybe_process_confirmation_list_action() * @used-by GFForms::delete_confirmation() * @uses GFFormsModel::get_form_meta() * @uses GFFormsModel::flush_current_forms() * @uses GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations() * * @param array $confirmation_id The confirmation to be deleted. * @param int|array $form_id The form ID or Form Object form the confirmation being deleted. * * @return mixed The result of the database operation. */ public static function delete_confirmation( $confirmation_id, $form_id ) { if ( ! $form_id ) return false; $form = ! is_array( $form_id ) ? RGFormsModel::get_form_meta( $form_id ) : $form_id; /** * Fires right before a confirmation is deleted. * * @since 1.9 * * @param int $form['confirmations'][$confirmation_id] The ID of the confirmation being deleted. * @param array $form The Form object. */ do_action( 'gform_pre_confirmation_deleted', $form['confirmations'][ $confirmation_id ], $form ); unset( $form['confirmations'][ $confirmation_id ] ); // clear form cache so next retrieval of form meta will reflect deleted notification RGFormsModel::flush_current_forms(); return RGFormsModel::save_form_confirmations( $form['id'], $form['confirmations'] ); } /** * Echos a variable. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFNotification::notification_edit_page() * * @param string $a Thing to echo. * * @return void */ public static function output( $a ) { echo $a; } /** * Checks if a confirmation name is unique. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_edit_page() * * @param string $name The confirmation name to check for. * @param array $confirmations The confirmations to check through. * * @return bool True if unique. False otherwise. */ public static function is_unique_name( $name, $confirmations ) { foreach ( $confirmations as $confirmation ) { if ( strtolower( rgar( $confirmation, 'name' ) ) == strtolower( $name ) ) return false; } return true; } /** * Outputs scripts for conditional logic fields. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GF_Fields::get_all() * @uses GF_Field::is_conditional_logic_supported() * * @param bool $echo If the scripts should be echoed. Defaults to true. * * @return string $script_str The scripts to be output. */ public static function output_field_scripts( $echo = true ) { $script_str = ''; $conditional_logic_fields = array(); foreach ( GF_Fields::get_all() as $gf_field ) { if ( $gf_field->is_conditional_logic_supported() ) { $conditional_logic_fields[] = $gf_field->type; } } $script_str .= sprintf( 'function GetConditionalLogicFields(){return %s;}', json_encode( $conditional_logic_fields ) ) . PHP_EOL; if ( ! empty( $script_str ) && $echo ) { echo $script_str; } return $script_str; } /** * Handles the saving of notifications and confirmations when activated. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::form_settings_ui() * @uses GFFormsModel::save_form_notifications() * @uses GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations() * * @param array $form The Form Object to be saved. * * @return array $form The Form Object. */ public static function activate_save( $form ) { $form_id = $form['id']; $has_save_notification = false; foreach ( $form['notifications'] as $notification ) { if ( rgar( $notification, 'event' ) == 'form_save_email_requested' ) { $has_save_notification = true; break; } } if ( ! $has_save_notification ) { $notification_id = uniqid(); $form['notifications'][ $notification_id ] = array( 'id' => $notification_id, 'isDefault' => true, 'name' => __( 'Save and Continue Email', 'gravityforms' ), 'event' => 'form_save_email_requested', 'toType' => 'hidden', 'from' => '{admin_email}', 'subject' => __( 'Link to continue {form_title}' ), 'message' => __( 'Thank you for saving {form_title}. Please use the unique link below to return to the form from any computer.


Remember that the link will expire after 30 days so please return via the provided link to complete your form submission.', 'gravityforms' ), ); GFFormsModel::save_form_notifications( $form_id, $form['notifications'] ); } $has_save_confirmation = false; foreach ( $form['confirmations'] as $confirmation ) { if ( rgar( $confirmation, 'event' ) == 'form_saved' ) { $has_save_confirmation = true; break; } } if ( ! $has_save_confirmation ) { $confirmation_1 = GFFormsModel::get_default_confirmation( 'form_saved' ); $confirmation_2 = GFFormsModel::get_default_confirmation( 'form_save_email_sent' ); $form['confirmations'][ $confirmation_1['id'] ] = $confirmation_1; $form['confirmations'][ $confirmation_2['id'] ] = $confirmation_2; GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations( $form_id, $form['confirmations'] ); } return $form; } /** * Handles the saving of confirmation and notifications when deactivating. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFFormsModel::save_form_notifications() * @uses GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations() * * @param array $form The Form Object. * * @return array $form The Form Object. */ public static function deactivate_save( $form ) { $form_id = $form['id']; foreach ( $form['notifications'] as $notification_id => $notification ) { if ( rgar( $notification, 'isDefault' ) && rgar( $notification, 'event' ) == 'form_save_email_requested' ) { unset( $form['notifications'][ $notification_id ] ); GFFormsModel::save_form_notifications( $form_id, $form['notifications'] ); break; } } $changed = false; foreach ( $form['confirmations'] as $confirmation_id => $confirmation ) { $event = rgar( $confirmation, 'event' ); if ( rgar( $confirmation, 'isDefault' ) && ( $event == 'form_saved' || $event == 'form_save_email_sent' ) ) { unset( $form['confirmations'][ $confirmation_id ] ); $changed = true; } } if ( $changed ) { GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations( $form_id, $form['confirmations'] ); } return $form; } /** * Alias for GFCommon::maybe_wp_kses() * * @since Unknown * @access private * * @used-by GFFormSettings::handle_confirmation_edit_submission() * @uses GFCommon::maybe_wp_kses() * * @param string $html The HTML markup to sanitize. * @param string $allowed_html The allowed HTML content. Defaults to 'post'. * @param array $allowed_protocols Allowed protocols. Defaults to empty array. * * @return string The sanitized HTML markup. */ private static function maybe_wp_kses( $html, $allowed_html = 'post', $allowed_protocols = array() ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) { $html = self::remove_unsafe_merge_tags( $html ); } return GFCommon::maybe_wp_kses( $html, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols ); } /** * Removes merge tags used as HTML attributes. * * @since * @access public * * @param string $text The confirmation text to check. * * @return bool True if unsafe. False if all is good in the world. */ public static function remove_unsafe_merge_tags( $text ) { preg_match_all( '/(\S+)\s*=\s*["|\']({[^{]*?:(\d+(\.\d+)?)(:(.*?))?})["|\']/mi', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ); if ( is_array( $matches ) && count( $matches ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $matches as $match ) { // Ignore conditional shortcodes if ( strtolower( $match[1] ) !== 'merge_tag' ) { // Remove the merge tag $text = str_replace( $match[0], $match[1] . '=""', $text ); } } } return $text; } /** * Checks the text for merge tags as attribute values. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_edit_page() * * @param string $text The confirmation text to check. * * @return bool True if unsafe. False if all is good in the world. */ public static function confirmation_looks_unsafe( $text ) { $unsafe = false; preg_match_all( '/[\<^]*.(\S+)\s*=\s*["|\']({[^{]*?:(\d+(\.\d+)?)(:(.*?))?})["|\']/mi', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ); if ( is_array( $matches ) && count( $matches ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $matches as $match ) { if ( strtolower( $match[1] ) !== 'merge_tag' ) { $unsafe = true; } } } return $unsafe; } /** * Handles the saving of form titles. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFAPI::get_form() * @uses GFAPI::update_form() * * @return void */ public static function save_form_title() { check_admin_referer( 'gf_save_title', 'gf_save_title' ); $form_title = json_decode( rgpost( 'title' ) ); $form_id = rgpost( 'formId' ); $result = array( 'isValid' => true, 'message' => '' ); if ( empty( $form_title ) ) { $result['isValid'] = false; $result['message'] = __( 'Please enter a form title.', 'gravityforms' ); } elseif ( ! GFFormsModel::is_unique_title( $form_title, $form_id ) ) { $result['isValid'] = false; $result['message'] = __( 'Please enter a unique form title.', 'gravityforms' ); } else { $form = GFAPI::get_form( $form_id ); $form['title'] = $form_title; GFAPI::update_form( $form, $form_id ); } die( json_encode( $result ) ); } } // Include WP_List_Table. require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' ); /** * Class GFConfirmationTable * * Handles the creation of a list table for displaying the confirmations listing. * * @since Unknown * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_list_page() * @uses WP_List_Table * * @param array $form The form to display the confirmation listing for. */ class GFConfirmationTable extends WP_List_Table { /** * @since Unknown * @access public * * @var array The Form Object to get confirmations from. */ public $form; /** * GFConfirmationTable constructor. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFConfirmationTable::$form * @uses WP_List_Table::$_column_headers * @uses WP_List_Table::__construct() * * @param array $form The Form Object to display the confirmation listing for. */ function __construct( $form ) { $this->form = $form; $this->_column_headers = array( array( 'cb' => '', 'name' => __( 'Name', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => __( 'Type', 'gravityforms' ), 'content' => __( 'Content', 'gravityforms' ) ), array(), array( 'name' => array( 'name', false ) ), 'name', ); parent::__construct(); } /** * Prepares the confirmation items. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_list_page() * @uses WP_List_Table::$items * @uses GFConfirmationTable::$form * * @return void */ function prepare_items() { $this->items = $this->form['confirmations']; switch ( rgget( 'orderby' ) ) { case 'name': // Sort confirmations alphabetically. usort( $this->items, array( $this, 'sort_confirmations' ) ); // Reverse sort. if ( 'desc' === rgget( 'order' ) ) { $this->items = array_reverse( $this->items ); } break; default: break; } } /** * Sort confirmations alphabetically. * * @since 2.4 * @access public * * @param array $a First confirmation to compare. * @param array $b Second confirmation to compare. * * @return int */ function sort_confirmations( $a = array(), $b = array() ) { return strcasecmp( $a['name'], $b['name'] ); } /** * Displays the list table. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFFormSettings::confirmations_list_page() * @uses WP_List_Table::get_table_classes() * @uses WP_List_Table::print_column_headers() * @uses WP_List_Table::display_rows_or_placeholder() * * @return void */ function display() { $singular = rgar( $this->_args, 'singular' ); ?> print_column_headers(); ?> print_column_headers( false ); ?> > display_rows_or_placeholder(); ?>
'; echo $this->single_row_columns( $item ); echo ''; } /** * Gets the list table column headers. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by WP_List_Table::get_default_primary_column_name() * @uses WP_List_Table::$_column_headers * * @return string The primary column header. */ function get_columns() { return $this->_column_headers[0]; } /** * Gets the column content. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFConfirmationTable::get_column_content() * * @param array $item The column item to process. * * @return string The column content HTML markup. */ function column_content( $item ) { return self::get_column_content( $item ); } /** * Sets the default column data. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by WP_List_Table::single_row_columns() * * @param object $item The column item. * @param string $column The column name. * * @return void */ function column_default( $item, $column ) { echo rgar( $item, $column ); } /** * Sets the column type. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFConfirmationTable::get_column_type() * * @param object $item The column item. * * @return string The column type. */ function column_type( $item ) { return self::get_column_type( $item ); } /** * Handles the activation/deactivation button on confirmation list table items. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by WP_List_Table::single_row_columns() * @uses GFCommon::get_base_url() * * @param object $item The list table item. * * @return void */ function column_cb( $item ) { if ( isset( $item['isDefault'] ) && $item['isDefault'] ) return; $is_active = isset( $item['isActive'] ) ? $item['isActive'] : true; ?> <?php $is_active ? __( 'Active', 'gravityforms' ) : __( 'Inactive', 'gravityforms' ); ?> $item['id'] ) ); $duplicate_url = add_query_arg( array( 'cid' => 0, 'duplicatedcid' => $item['id'] ) ); $actions = apply_filters( 'gform_confirmation_actions', array( 'edit' => '' . __( 'Edit', 'gravityforms' ) . '', 'duplicate' => '' . __( 'Duplicate', 'gravityforms' ) . '', 'delete' => '' . __( 'Delete', 'gravityforms' ) . '' ) ); if ( isset( $item['isDefault'] ) && $item['isDefault'] ){ unset( $actions['delete'] ); } ?>
$html ) { $divider = $key == $last_key ? '' : ' | '; ?>
' . wp_kses_post( $item['message'] ) . ''; case 'page': $page = get_post( $item['pageId'] ); if ( empty( $page ) ) { return __( 'This page does not exist.', 'gravityforms' ); } return '' . esc_html( $page->post_title ) . ''; case 'redirect': $url_pieces = parse_url( $item['url'] ); $url_connector = rgar( $url_pieces, 'query' ) ? '&' : '?'; $url = rgar( $item, 'queryString' ) ? "{$item['url']}{$url_connector}{$item['queryString']}" : $item['url']; $url = esc_url( $url ); return '' . $url . ''; } return ''; } /** * Gets the column type. * * @since Unknwon * @access public * * @used-by GFConfirmationTable::column_type() * * @param object $item The column item. * * @return string The column item type. If none found, empty string. Escaped. */ public static function get_column_type( $item ) { switch ( rgar( $item, 'type' ) ) { case 'message': return __( 'Text', 'gravityforms' ); case 'page': return __( 'Page', 'gravityforms' ); case 'redirect': return __( 'Redirect', 'gravityforms' ); } return ''; } }