
176 lines
5.3 KiB

package datalist
import (
func sizesTestDataForSorts() []map[string]interface{} {
return []map[string]interface{}{
"slug": "s-1vcpu-1gb",
"memory": 1024,
"vcpus": 1,
"disk": 25,
"transfer": 1.0,
"price_monthly": 5.0,
"price_hourly": 0.007439999841153622,
"regions": []interface{}{"sgp1", "sgp2"},
"regions_set": schema.NewSet(schema.HashString, []interface{}{"sgp1", "sgp2"}),
"available": true,
"slug": "s-2vcpu-2gb",
"memory": 2048,
"vcpus": 2,
"disk": 60,
"transfer": 3.0,
"price_monthly": 15.0,
"price_hourly": 0.02232000045478344,
"regions": []interface{}{"nyc1", "nyc2"},
"regions_set": schema.NewSet(schema.HashString, []interface{}{"nyc1", "nyc2"}),
"available": false,
"slug": "s-4vcpu-8gb",
"memory": 8192,
"vcpus": 4,
"disk": 160,
"transfer": 5.0,
"price_monthly": 40.0,
"price_hourly": 0.05951999872922897,
"regions": []interface{}{"ams1", "ams2"},
"regions_set": schema.NewSet(schema.HashString, []interface{}{"ams1", "ams2"}),
"available": true,
func TestExpandSorts(t *testing.T) {
rawSorts := []interface{}{
"key": "fieldA",
"direction": "asc",
"key": "fieldB",
"direction": "desc",
expandedSorts := expandSorts(rawSorts)
if len(rawSorts) != len(expandedSorts) {
t.Fatalf("incorrect expected length of expanded sorts")
if expandedSorts[0].key != "fieldA" ||
expandedSorts[0].direction != "asc" {
t.Fatalf("incorrect expansion of the 1st expanded sorts")
if expandedSorts[1].key != "fieldB" ||
expandedSorts[1].direction != "desc" {
t.Fatalf("incorrect expansion of the 2nd expanded sorts")
func TestApplySorts(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
key string
expectedAsc []string // Expected sizes if sorted ascendingly
{"BySlug", "slug", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
{"ByMemory", "memory", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
{"ByCPU", "vcpus", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
{"ByDisk", "disk", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
{"ByTransfer", "transfer", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
{"ByPriceMonthly", "price_monthly", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
{"ByPriceHourly", "price_hourly", []string{"s-1vcpu-1gb", "s-2vcpu-2gb", "s-4vcpu-8gb"}},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
// Test ascending order
sizes := applySorts(sizesTestSchema(), sizesTestDataForSorts(), []commonSort{{testCase.key, "asc"}})
if len(sizes) != len(testCase.expectedAsc) {
t.Fatalf("Expecting %d size results, found %d size results instead", len(testCase.expectedAsc), len(sizes))
for i, expectedSlug := range testCase.expectedAsc {
if sizes[i]["slug"] != expectedSlug {
t.Fatalf("Expecting size index %d to be %s, found %s instead", i, expectedSlug, sizes[i]["slug"])
// Test descending order
sizes = applySorts(sizesTestSchema(), sizesTestDataForSorts(), []commonSort{{testCase.key, "desc"}})
if len(sizes) != len(testCase.expectedAsc) {
t.Fatalf("Expecting %d size results, found %d size results instead", len(testCase.expectedAsc), len(sizes))
for i, expectedSlug := range testCase.expectedAsc {
if sizes[len(sizes)-i-1]["slug"] != expectedSlug {
t.Fatalf("Expecting size index %d to be %s, found %s instead", i, expectedSlug, sizes[i]["slug"])
func TestApplySortsMultiple(t *testing.T) {
testData := []map[string]interface{}{
"slug": "s-1vcpu-1gb",
"memory": 1024,
"vcpus": 1,
"disk": 25,
"transfer": 1.0,
"price_monthly": 5.0,
"price_hourly": 0.007439999841153622,
"regions": []string{"sgp1", "sgp2"},
"available": true,
"slug": "1gb",
"memory": 1024,
"vcpus": 1,
"disk": 30,
"transfer": 2.0,
"price_monthly": 10.0,
"price_hourly": 0.01487999968230724,
"regions": []string{"sgp1", "sgp2"},
"available": true,
"slug": "s-2vcpu-2gb",
"memory": 2048,
"vcpus": 2,
"disk": 60,
"transfer": 3.0,
"price_monthly": 15.0,
"price_hourly": 0.02232000045478344,
"regions": []string{"nyc1", "nyc2"},
"available": false,
// Test ascending order
sizes := applySorts(sizesTestSchema(), testData, []commonSort{
{"memory", "desc"}, // Sort by memory descendingly first
{"disk", "asc"}, // Then for sizes with same memory, sort by disk ascendingly
if len(sizes) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("Expecting 3 size results, found %d size results instead", len(sizes))
// s-2vcpu-2gb (Memory = 2048)
// s-1vcpu-1gb (Memory = 1024, Disk = 25)
// 1gb (Memory = 1024, Disk = 30)
if sizes[0]["slug"] != "s-2vcpu-2gb" ||
sizes[1]["slug"] != "s-1vcpu-1gb" ||
sizes[2]["slug"] != "1gb" {
t.Fatalf("Expecting sizes to be sorted by memory in descending order, then by disk in ascending order")