
101 lines
2.1 KiB

{ config, lib, inputs, pkgs, options, specialArgs, ... }:
var = options.variable;
my-lib = import ./lib/default.nix { inherit lib; };
# (k: k + k) -> { a = 1; } -> { aa = 1; }
mapKeys = f: lib.mapAttrs' (k: v: lib.nameValuePair (f k) v);
# (v: 2 * v) -> { a = 1; } -> { a = 2; }
mapVals = f: lib.mapAttrs (_: f);
# { b = 0; } -> { c = { a = 1; } } -> { c = { b = 0; a = 1; } }
default = defaults: mapVals (v: defaults // v);
# "b" -> { a = 1; } -> { b_a = 1; }
inNamespace = prefix: mapKeys (k: "${prefix}_${k}");
# { a = 1; } -> { name = "a"; a = 1; }
setNames = lib.mapAttrs (k: v: { name = k; } // v);
hetzner = let
# https://docs.hetzner.com/cloud/api/getting-started/generating-api-token
token = lib.tfRef "var.hcloud_api_token";
in { inherit token; };
in rec {
terraform = {
cloud = {
hostname = "app.terraform.io";
organization = "bij1";
workspaces = {
name = "hcloud";
provider = {
# Configure the Hetzner Cloud Provider
hcloud.token = lib.mkForce hetzner.token;
resource = (inNamespace "hcloud" {
ssh_key = setNames
(lib.mapAttrs (_: v: { public_key = v; })
(my-lib.dirContents ".pub" ./ssh-keys));
# Set the variable value in *.tfvars file
# or using -var="hcloud_api_token=..." CLI option
variable = {
# suppress warning, otherwise unused here
tf_cloud_token = {
type = "string";
sensitive = true;
hcloud_api_token = {
type = "string";
description = "[Hetzner Cloud API Token](https://docs.hetzner.com/cloud/api/getting-started/generating-api-token)";
sensitive = true;
# https://github.com/terranix/terranix-hcloud/blob/main/options.md
hcloud = {
enable = true;
# can also be specified with the TF_VAR_hcloud_api_token environment variable
provider = { inherit (hetzner) token; };
export.nix = "hetzner.nix";
data = {
hcloud_ssh_keys."all_keys" = {};
output = {
"keys_output" = {
value = lib.tfRef "data.hcloud_ssh_keys.all_keys";