# BIJ1 Landscape This repo offers a diagram to show the BIJ1 IT landscape and how its components connect. Note: this diagram is descriptive, not where we'd ideally like to be. Our ideal landscape will involve, in no particular order: - getting rid of non-EU vendors - shifting from commercial services to open-source self-reliance - more automation between systems - better [systems reliability](https://sretips.com.br/sre-piramide.jpg) - better unification of systems, rather than every local branch having to reinvent the wheel in their own accounts - unified login system to handle authentication and authorization across our systems - better reproducibility (think documentation, CI/CD, infra-as-code) - ideally open-sourcing more still than we've managed now ## requirements - [GraphViz](https://graphviz.gitlab.io/download/) - [Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) ## usage ```bash make install make diagram ``` ## diagram ![landscape](./bij1_it_landscape.png)