
234 lines
6.6 KiB

package godo
import (
const tagsBasePath = "v2/tags"
// TagsService is an interface for interfacing with the tags
// endpoints of the DigitalOcean API
// See: https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2#tags
type TagsService interface {
List(context.Context, *ListOptions) ([]Tag, *Response, error)
Get(context.Context, string) (*Tag, *Response, error)
Create(context.Context, *TagCreateRequest) (*Tag, *Response, error)
Delete(context.Context, string) (*Response, error)
TagResources(context.Context, string, *TagResourcesRequest) (*Response, error)
UntagResources(context.Context, string, *UntagResourcesRequest) (*Response, error)
// TagsServiceOp handles communication with tag related method of the
// DigitalOcean API.
type TagsServiceOp struct {
client *Client
var _ TagsService = &TagsServiceOp{}
// ResourceType represents a class of resource, currently only droplet are supported
type ResourceType string
const (
// DropletResourceType holds the string representing our ResourceType of Droplet.
DropletResourceType ResourceType = "droplet"
// ImageResourceType holds the string representing our ResourceType of Image.
ImageResourceType ResourceType = "image"
// VolumeResourceType holds the string representing our ResourceType of Volume.
VolumeResourceType ResourceType = "volume"
// LoadBalancerResourceType holds the string representing our ResourceType of LoadBalancer.
LoadBalancerResourceType ResourceType = "load_balancer"
// VolumeSnapshotResourceType holds the string representing our ResourceType for storage Snapshots.
VolumeSnapshotResourceType ResourceType = "volumesnapshot"
// Resource represent a single resource for associating/disassociating with tags
type Resource struct {
ID string `json:"resource_id,omitempty"`
Type ResourceType `json:"resource_type,omitempty"`
// TaggedResources represent the set of resources a tag is attached to
type TaggedResources struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
LastTaggedURI string `json:"last_tagged_uri,omitempty"`
Droplets *TaggedDropletsResources `json:"droplets,omitempty"`
Images *TaggedImagesResources `json:"images"`
Volumes *TaggedVolumesResources `json:"volumes"`
// TaggedDropletsResources represent the droplet resources a tag is attached to
type TaggedDropletsResources struct {
Count int `json:"count,float64,omitempty"`
LastTagged *Droplet `json:"last_tagged,omitempty"`
LastTaggedURI string `json:"last_tagged_uri,omitempty"`
// TaggedResourcesData represent the generic resources a tag is attached to
type TaggedResourcesData struct {
Count int `json:"count,float64,omitempty"`
LastTaggedURI string `json:"last_tagged_uri,omitempty"`
// TaggedImagesResources represent the image resources a tag is attached to
type TaggedImagesResources TaggedResourcesData
// TaggedVolumesResources represent the volume resources a tag is attached to
type TaggedVolumesResources TaggedResourcesData
// Tag represent DigitalOcean tag
type Tag struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Resources *TaggedResources `json:"resources,omitempty"`
//TagCreateRequest represents the JSON structure of a request of that type.
type TagCreateRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// TagResourcesRequest represents the JSON structure of a request of that type.
type TagResourcesRequest struct {
Resources []Resource `json:"resources"`
// UntagResourcesRequest represents the JSON structure of a request of that type.
type UntagResourcesRequest struct {
Resources []Resource `json:"resources"`
type tagsRoot struct {
Tags []Tag `json:"tags"`
Links *Links `json:"links"`
type tagRoot struct {
Tag *Tag `json:"tag"`
// List all tags
func (s *TagsServiceOp) List(ctx context.Context, opt *ListOptions) ([]Tag, *Response, error) {
path := tagsBasePath
path, err := addOptions(path, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := s.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(tagsRoot)
resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
if l := root.Links; l != nil {
resp.Links = l
return root.Tags, resp, err
// Get a single tag
func (s *TagsServiceOp) Get(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Tag, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tagsBasePath, name)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(tagRoot)
resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Tag, resp, err
// Create a new tag
func (s *TagsServiceOp) Create(ctx context.Context, createRequest *TagCreateRequest) (*Tag, *Response, error) {
if createRequest == nil {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("createRequest", "cannot be nil")
req, err := s.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, tagsBasePath, createRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(tagRoot)
resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Tag, resp, err
// Delete an existing tag
func (s *TagsServiceOp) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Response, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, NewArgError("name", "cannot be empty")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", tagsBasePath, name)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
return resp, err
// TagResources associates resources with a given Tag.
func (s *TagsServiceOp) TagResources(ctx context.Context, name string, tagRequest *TagResourcesRequest) (*Response, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, NewArgError("name", "cannot be empty")
if tagRequest == nil {
return nil, NewArgError("tagRequest", "cannot be nil")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/resources", tagsBasePath, name)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, path, tagRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
return resp, err
// UntagResources dissociates resources with a given Tag.
func (s *TagsServiceOp) UntagResources(ctx context.Context, name string, untagRequest *UntagResourcesRequest) (*Response, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, NewArgError("name", "cannot be empty")
if untagRequest == nil {
return nil, NewArgError("tagRequest", "cannot be nil")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/resources", tagsBasePath, name)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, untagRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
return resp, err