add('CRM_', __DIR__); $loader->add('Civi\\', __DIR__); $loader->add('api_', __DIR__); $loader->add('api\\', __DIR__); $loader->register(); /** * Call the "cv" command. * * @param string $cmd * The rest of the command to send. * @param string $decode * Ex: 'json' or 'phpcode'. * @return mixed * Response output (if the command executed normally). * For 'raw' or 'phpcode', this will be a string. For 'json', it could be any JSON value. * @throws \RuntimeException * If the command terminates abnormally. */ function cv(string $cmd, string $decode = 'json') { $cmd = 'cv ' . $cmd; $descriptorSpec = [0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => STDERR]; $oldOutput = getenv('CV_OUTPUT'); putenv('CV_OUTPUT=json'); // Execute `cv` in the original folder. This is a work-around for // phpunit/codeception, which seem to manipulate PWD. $cmd = sprintf('cd %s; %s', escapeshellarg(getenv('PWD')), $cmd); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes, __DIR__); putenv("CV_OUTPUT=$oldOutput"); fclose($pipes[0]); $result = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); if (proc_close($process) !== 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Command failed ($cmd):\n$result"); } switch ($decode) { case 'raw': return $result; case 'phpcode': // If the last output is /*PHPCODE*/, then we managed to complete execution. if (substr(trim($result), 0, 12) !== '/*BEGINPHP*/' || substr(trim($result), -10) !== '/*ENDPHP*/') { throw new \RuntimeException("Command failed ($cmd):\n$result"); } return $result; case 'json': return json_decode($result, 1); default: throw new RuntimeException("Bad decoder format ($decode)"); } }